Eesti Tuba kuulub vestlusgruppide hulka. Siin saad igasugust teavet BrainKing'i kohta ja võid sõna võtta. Kui saidis on midagi arusaamatut, siis vaata vasaku serva peamenüüst Abi ja KKK, võib-olla on vastus juba olemas. Kui mitte, siis küsi siin! Nendele küsimustele võib vastata igaüks, kes oskab! Kui näed allpool linki "(lisa lemmikgruppide hulka)", siis palun klõpsa sellele hiirega! Siis on EESTI TUBA, ametliku nimetusega, alati käepärast (ekraani paremas servas). Kui oled uus mängija, siis kirjuta siin, missuguseid mänge tahad mängida. Võid lisada ajakontrolli eelistused - nii et ei tekiks ajaületust ja mängud ei jääks eluaegseteks! Meil on ka jututuba , aga seda kasutame vähem.
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Who wants a free Black Rook membership? Only one to give. Seriously. :-)
Yes, I promised to make no more special actions concerning lifetime levels and I don't plan to break it. This is something different.
As I have mentioned a week or two ago, Liquid had an idea to get rid of my former laptop computer which I have been using to develop BrainKing for almost 4 years, and since it has recently collapsed, I had to buy a new one. Actually, it was only the hard disk what had to be replaced by a new one - the rest of the notebook is left untouched and although it is more a collectible item than a hi-tech computer (I bought it in 2002, so it is a little outdated now), it can still be used for a normal work. And it has the touch of the BrainKing's history! :-D
All right, what is the offer about? Since my attempt to make an auction on eBay has ended up as a total fiasco and the item is interesting for BrainKing users only anyway, I have decided to create our own auction system for this purpose. It hasn't been officially announced yet, which is the reason why no BrainKing page links to it, but it should be fully functional now, so you can try it out here:
personal25: Yes, Fencer sells his old computer in this auction... Jah, Fencer on oma vana arvuti oksjonile pannud. Seda näeb igaüks, kes klõpsab lambikesel Tasuline liikmelisus all ehk
Mul pole praegu aega süveneda, kui kasulik see tehing on, kui palju on väärt Must AjuVanker ja kui suur on oksoni panus sellega võrreldes. Igal juhul on see korrektne oksjon.
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