joshi tm: I say 9 because I know most people don't like longer games - for example, the game Froglet - the game was fun for myself & others at first for awhile, but then when games took so long and seem to drag out, at least for myself - those games are less fun. (so a smaller board version of Froglet is still a suggestion I make)
But anyway, back to Frog Finder Co-op. I say 9 to keep it small - but possible have a big variant at a later day with something like 15 or even up to 21 could be a fun variant. But from my years of playing games, smaller & shorter games seem to be more popular in the long run.
At least that is my reasoning for picking 9 as the number of frogs to find (since it is close to the current 10, and with 9 will hopefully help make sure there are less ties then if there were 10 frogs on the board)