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It's amazing though that despite the banks and their recklessness that caused so much financial difficulty for our countries, that the right concentrate on some rubbish.
.. Oh wow.. the whole of Wall Street is at threat from a bit of rubbish. It's "The Stuff" all over again!!!!
The Tea Party never made a mess of public property and always left it better than when they arrived. No hate speech, no violence. And yet Dems were all over it with criticisms. And yet with Occupy Wallstreet, they are all in favor. Pelosi says, "God bless them." This in spite of all the racial slurs, violence, and thrashing of public property. See for yourself.
gogul: We've seen these things before in the history of the world. Climate changes. Normal cycyle. Nothing new. Man made? That's where the junk science comes in.
Artful Dodger: You can say that global climate change is not affecting your region, if it really was the case. But it is elsewhere, and if we don't address these problems, we will be surprised about refugees. I know how populism works. They will let the mob bash these refugees. And I will bash the populists.
Artful Dodger: Sinking islands are not "junk science". Melting water reservoirs are not junk science. Shifting seasons are not junk science to farmers. Spread of desert is not junk science.
The european union is scheduled to be a post-national formation. Thinkers of a better time where sure about the sense of this idea. The pressure on our momentary leaders is not enough. They are horribly failing in historical context. History will be that Merkel, Sarkozy, Cameron where not able to address the idea.
gogul: Honest would be to admit the problems in mostly poorer countries, climate change is causing. We will suffer the problems anyway and should face them honestly. For the sake of our .. hmmm .. soul, we should overcome national fence thinking. Get over your nationalism, the resulting populism is a sick stupidity, while we do have the means to address the problems globaly.
Übergeek 바둑이:"The general excuse is that this is what it takes to protect freedom and democracy. However, under the Patriot Act anybody suspected of terrorist activity can be detained. In essence the USA has turned itself into a quasi police state. People are free to consume, to say anything they want, to do anything they want, except do anything that leads to political change or a change in the Capitalist economic system. The function of the police state is to ensure that the rich stay rich and the working class stay working for the benefit of the rich. It is a form of police state socialism. The state has a monopoly of judiciary and military power. All that is missing is children ratting on their parents, and you will have full fascism.
In fairness, it is not just the USA. Almost every western country has become that way. "Big government" means programs that help the working class and the poor, but it will never mean a bloated police and military."
I think that's worth reading again. Morally, our elites are dead. Any doupts?
Argomento: Re: You're just mad cuz I pointed out your error. CIA is part of the government as is HS and DOF and others.
Artful Dodger: Maybe you missed some of the sarcasm regarding how the US 'foreign policy' is one of democracy, fairness and freedom.. while the CIA is one of murder, drugs and over throw any countries government we don't like.. or affects a companies profit margin.
I know they are from the same government, but that implies the American government has multiple personality problems!!
A Gallup poll from 2009 found ..."that 77% of non-publishing, non-climatological Earth Scientists and 97% of publishing Climatologists believed in human-driven climate change."
The Pew research centre found 84% of scientists believed in climate change, while only 49% of Joe Public believed so.
The Union of Concerned Scientists, which consists of about 250,000 members, state ..."we need to get serious and address this true, proven issue of climate change."
.. they even got serious and sent an email asking it's members to send this to Rupert Murdoch..
"As someone who has read your company's newspapers and watched your television shows and movies, I want to thank you for committing News Corporation to addressing the urgent issue of global warming and for pledging that the company will become carbon neutral by 2010.
Unfortunately, one of the biggest challenges we face today to adequately addressing global warming is coming from your employees.
Fox News show hosts, their guests, and Wall Street Journal columnists regularly misrepresent climate science and attack scientists. Often, they claim climate change itself is not real despite the overwhelming scientific evidence that it is. Allowing their fraudulent claims to go unchecked misleads your audience. This runs counter to News Corp.'s stated policy to "engage our audiences and enable them to find ways to reduce carbon emissions in their own lives."
Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Pete du Pont, and Kimberley Strassel among others, have all attacked the science behind global warming in media outlets owned by News Corp.--including Beck's outrageous claim that Arctic ice is increasing.
I am not entertained by outrageous statements and the misuse of science. Your paid commentators have the right to broadcast their opinions, but not to make up their own facts.
Please match your corporation's climate commitments to real action by ensuring all News Corporation programming get the facts straight."
>>>>>>>> which backs up what I said the other day to Art....
"I didn't say that they had no knowledge... bozos or people who put political ideology and money before reality.. yes. "
Gilman's Jones shows why he's considered among best in the country Standout's 97-yard return lifts Greyhounds past Calvert Hall The second, a 97-yard game-winning punt return touchdown by Cyrus Jones, with a tick under three minutes left in regulation, was further proof that Jones in one of the top playmakers in the country.
IDT Corp.'s (IDT) fiscal fourth-quarter profit fell 97% as weaker phone-card revenue dragged down the company's bottom line.
The latest Batman: Arkham City review score to hit the net is from the issue 244 of Games Master and it's an absolute celebration of the Rocksteady sequel. The mag's given Arkham City 97% but it's the words that really give an indication of just how special this game is.
Rose McCoy dead at 97
Williamson Fire Chief: levy 97 votes short
CHEMULT, Ore. -- A Chemult man was seriously injured Wednesday afternoon when his car left Highway 97 near the Highway 58 junction and collided with several trees, Oregon State Police said.
Virginia teenager sentenced to 97 years in prison for robberies
97% of Brits worried about the threat of hacking
Arch West, a Frito-Lay executive who invented the crunchy, triangular tortilla chips known as “Doritos,” a fingertip-licking snack of choice for legions of couch-lounging football fans, highway-cruising truck drivers and munchie-craving college kids, died Sept. 20 at a hospital in Dallas. He was 97.
I see no problem with this. Of course if it were me, I would have also lost the phone. A 97-year-old Greenfield, Wis., man wanted to watch the Brewers-Pirates game a couple of weeks back, but couldn’t find the remote. So he called 911 to report that someone had stolen it.
Argomento: Re: No. YOu just tried to blow off the bloggers I read with personal attacks.
(V): 97%? You use a calculator to figure that out?
You're just mad cuz I pointed out your error. CIA is part of the government as is HS and DOF and others. The point that you missed was the irony within the statement itself. Now your onto terrorism. Staying on topic with you is like a drunk trying to walk a straight line.
Artful Dodger: Which is what you've done with the 97%+ scientists who say Global warming is a reality. And if you cut the bull and go by votes on this matter.
You Lose.
"duh, the CIA is the government"
Ok.. then the US government supports terrorists, drug runners, murderers, etc.
Vikings: Does that include the virtually slave labour that is used to manufacture military equipment? 2 million sla... I mean prisoners now working for pennies.
Argomento: Re:The function of the police state is to ensure that the rich stay rich and the working class stay working for the benefit of the rich. It is a form of police state socialism.
Übergeek 바둑이: I call it a modern form of the old feudal system. Just now the CEO's of corporations have replaced Lords and Dukes. There is no socialism in this.
The CIA is PART of the government. They do whatever it takes to destroy the enemy. It means supporting fascist dictators, drug dealers, weapons dealers, mercenaries, terrorists, etc. It is well known both by the American government and the American public. Not only is the CIA part of the government, but it is BIG government. It is possibly the best funded of all government agencies. The NSA is not very different, as is the Office for Homeland Security and the FBI.
The general excuse is that this is what it takes to protect freedom and democracy. However, under the Patriot Act anybody suspected of terrorist activity can be detained. In essence the USA has turned itself into a quasi police state. People are free to consume, to say anything they want, to do anything they want, except do anything that leads to political change or a change in the Capitalist economic system. The function of the police state is to ensure that the rich stay rich and the working class stay working for the benefit of the rich. It is a form of police state socialism. The state has a monopoly of judiciary and military power. All that is missing is children ratting on their parents, and you will have full fascism.
In fairness, it is not just the USA. Almost every western country has become that way. "Big government" means programs that help the working class and the poor, but it will never mean a bloated police and military.
Übergeek 바둑이: It is and it isn't. While the US government says drugs are illegal, the CIA are quite happy to allow drugs in to the USA that kill as long as 'goal A' is protected.
Now.. if that is the US government policy officially. Then it means that as long as 'goal A' is achieved it doesn't matter that US citizens die.
But we have to take into consideration private enterprise interference.
> "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"
> "I'm from the CIA and I'm here to help."
Isn't the CIa the government too?
I suppose the Department of Defense is part of the government too. I don't see any Republicans talking about reducing the CIA's budget or the defense budget. But then, I never saw a Republican admit that the military are part of the government too.
Artful Dodger: I didn't say that they had no knowledge... bozos or people who put political ideology and money before reality.. yes.
So? You've been saying that for a long time here. To say that you are the only person that is allowed to doubt the honesty of a posters sources is quite .... biased.
"Unless it can be proven that they paid someone to lie. Then it's a story."
Again then much of your 'proof' that climate change is a lie goes up in smoke.
"But the real story with climate change is that top scientists are defecting AWAY from the climate change hypothesis."
Nahhh I'd say that is those who say we cannot cause any climate change. Science is still unsure on a few things. I heard last week of neutrinos travelling faster than light....
... a few months back that E=MC2 is an empty statement.
Argomento: "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"
October 7, 2011 Steve Jobs Never Got a Government Loan Ethel C. Fenig
Listening to President Barack Obama (D) whining and complaining during his news conference/campaign speech Thursday that if the selfish and greedy Republicans won't pass his jobs bill now! and tax the millionaires and billionaires now! the whole country--especially his union and/or lefty backers--won't get its necessary jobs jolt now! was quite a contrast to the tributes paid to Steve Jobs.
Steve Jobs and his friend Steve Wozniak started Apple in Jobs' parents' garage as a pair of 20 somethings, all without government help.
And Apple grew--again without government help. Microsoft. Google. Facebook. All started without government help by a bunch of kids (I'm over 40; 20 and 30 somethings are kids).
They discovered and grew without government help.
They created thousands of jobs... without government help.
They created wealth for thousands; many became millionaires, some even billionaires... all without government help.
They made life better, easier, safer, more productive... all without government.
They paid more than their share of taxes while receiving less than their share of government. And that's why they prospered and succeeded. All without government help.
As the late President Ronald Reagan (R) liked to say, "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"
(V): Climate change is a farce. It doesn't matter even a little that Big Oil would hire someone to do a study etc. Unless it can be proven that they paid someone to lie. Then it's a story. But the real story with climate change is that top scientists are defecting AWAY from the climate change hypothesis. That's a FACT. The reason? It's a farce and a farce can hold on only so long.
Argomento: Re: but at least my opinion has more reality behind it than the bloggers you frequent
(V): No. YOu just tried to blow off the bloggers I read with personal attacks. As if they are bozos with no knowledge. But they clearly know far more than do you. I was just pointing that out.
Notorious climate skeptic Pat Michaels of the CATO Institute finally admitted openly on CNN this weekend that 40 percent of his funding comes from - wait for it - Big Oil.
DeSmogBlog readers have known for years about Michaels’ long-time association with a network of at least eleven think tanks and industry front groups funded by ExxonMobil. Many of these same outlets have received funding from other oil interests like the Koch Family Foundations.
Michaels’ admission that he receives around 40 percent - his guess - of his funding from Big Oil is important, because he is quoted widely in the media for his skepticism about manmade climate change. As the ExxonSecrets profile of Pat Michaels sums up well, he is “possibly the most prolific and widely-quoted climate change skeptic scientist.”
Fareed Zakaria deserves a round of applause for challenging Michaels directly to cough up a figure for how much oil money he receives to defend the status quo fossil fuel addiction and to confuse the public about the threat of climate change. Far too few journalists bother to ask that question, and Zakaria has sent a much needed reminder to journalists - it is your job to expose the potential conflicts of interest among your interviewees. Zakaria gets an A+ for outing Michaels’ oily funding.
Argomento: Re: but at least my opinion has more reality behind it than the bloggers you frequent
Artful Dodger: Right... they have PhD's......
...... Ok.. but then again, anyone with a PhD that supports the theory that Global Warming exists, you say is wrong. So that makes you selective regarding whether you accept a boffins word or not dependant on your political bias.
If we are to accept on this board the word of those with PhD's... most of your views just fall flat on their face regarding the world of science, economics, social engineering, etc.
Especially with the volume of boffins that support views that you say nay to.
Argomento: Re: what does it mean when someone puts alien on your property?
Iamon lyme: However, due to devaluation, area 51 is now area 36. But because of inflation, it's up to area 75. The Feds spent 2.5 million on new signs. But they hired a dyslexic to make the signs and one reads aera 63 and the other aera 57. When the error was pointed out he said, "m'I yrros."
Argomento: Re: what does it mean when someone puts alien on your property?
Iamon lyme:
1) where did they get the alien? From the White House. 2) why would they place one on your property? It had to go potty. 3) who are "they"? They are: The Others. 4) where do I go to join the Wallstreet protest? you can register at
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