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Since the first team tournament is in the second round, and my team is not in it anymore, shouldnt I now be able to leave the team I am on? Or do we have to wait until the whole tournament is finished? Is this a bug? Thanks :)
The train has left the station and there is little appetite anymore for racket busting crusaders in search of a cause. If private messages to Fencer won't do the job then you have to assume it's a dry hole.
I just talked to people in PM and I see what your talking about now AD, but we got to remember we are playing games and if you can not win the tournament LIKE ME then we all try again and next time we might win.... I thought this was all just for fun, I have never won anything and I'm just happy to see my name at the top of the ratings at two different games :o)
What I'm trying to say is if there is people out there with phoney accounts That meens thay are not as good as their rating shows and I would love to play against them all the time so when I kick their but my rating get higher :o)
Modificato da SunFire (11. Settembre 2004, 08:54:02)
Ad: You have to stop and think if any pawns that you are playing against are phoney they must not be that good at that game so you should be able to beet them....... The way I look at it is, If I don't win the first round then I will get in the next tournament and try to win that one
Argomento: speculation = A hypothesis that has been formed by speculating or conjecturing (usually with little hard evidence)
I'd say that when someone tells you in a private fellowship that they ARE the QWERTY account, and then they send you a PM from the QWERTY, that is hardly speculation but is all the proof one needs. Unless of course you're not interested in getting at the truth.
I told you it's not a speculation. LJ told me and showed me he was using the QWERTY account. It's not my fault Fencer that you're too stubborn to believe the truth. Take it as friendly help
Modificato da MadMonkey (10. Settembre 2004, 11:35:16)
Is there ONE player out there who would like to join our Tank Battle team ?
It doesn't matter how good you are, it can't do as i am playing LOL, lets just have some fun :o)
(only 18 mins left)
Correct, 5 teams go through. Just waiting on one game. That game in theory could last another 8 turns each. Since it's a 3 day tournament that could be 48 days. Of course a nice long vacation could lengthen that.
How about just starting round 2 before the game finishes?
Same goes for the backgammon tournament. We already know the teams that have won, let's go on to the next round, since the remaining matches have no bearing on the result.
Modificato da Stevie (4. Settembre 2004, 14:25:18)
Gawd, this will be a long tourny
one player still hasnt made a single move in it yet, (in any game) ,obviously going to leave moves till last minute each time. before you ask, yes, they have been on site, and are now too
Now tell me this will not ruin the fun of the tourny
Modificato da (3. Settembre 2004, 21:28:11)
It is a 2 way tie.
First, the team with the most points is the winner.
If there is a tie between point, then it moves to which has the most game wins.
It's probable not "yellowed" yet for the winners because Fencer not programed it to determin the winners yet - but that is just my guess since this is something new.
The other 2 sections still have games (even though we already know 2 teams from section 1, 2 teams from section 2, and 1 team from section 3 will move on.)
Modificato da rod03801 (3. Settembre 2004, 21:23:14)
I am curious about the First Team Tournament.
Section 2 appears to be a 4 way tie. Will all 4 teams move on to round 2? (Nothing has been "yellowed" like in regular tournaments, to indicate the winner of the section) Or is there another method to decide ties? (Like S-B in regular tournaments)
One things that was changed (from BK1.0 to BK2.0) was the ability to add multiply game types to a fellowship tournament, but you would have to have a team for that gamy type to add it.
Of corse if I BIG BOSS wanted to get around that, they could add a team, create a tournament, then remove the team and let the tournament go on. (Up to the 4th Backgammon tournament in my Battleboat fellowship!) :-)
lol...I just checked in my fellowship and it only let me add Spider Line4 (which is the only team). So apparantly it still is only tournaments with corresponding teams... :-)
Fencer, I might be doing something wrong, but I just created a tourney for the Quick Players' Club fellowship, and I wasn't given the option to add the 3 new games. Is this a bug?
There are various reasons why there are 10000+ pawns and just 400 paid members. Mine is that I simply lack the free time to devote to all those nice features of a paid member. And I'm not even joking about it - the features ARE very compelling, but I'd need a few more than 24 hours in the day as well! I'll just stroll along on my free ride and its unavoidable limitations... Keep up the good work!
BIG BAD WOLF, the procedure is much simpler than that:
- Take the maximum number of players per section as designated by the tournament creator
- Take one away
- Multiply by the number of time each pair will play
- Voila, the absolute maximum number of slots needed!
Surely that maximum number of players per section is stored somewhere, the max slots needed is just (that number-1)x2, nothing computationally intensive! And this can be done before kicking players starts. If they simply do not have this necessary number of slots, EVEN if they might eventually need less, they are kicked! This way, we can be sure that people can continue playing to their maximum 20 slots all the time, not reserve extra slots that will NEVER be needed by a tournament...
But it is up to the tournament creator to pick either 5-max-per-section or up to 8-max-per-section.
By defualt, it is 8-max per section, so if the section is full of 8 people, 7 games will start for each player, but it still will only check if 5 are free.
I guess my point is why make it more dificult to program then just pick a middle ground like "5".
Plus Fencer has his point. If unhappy about how it is programmed, they they can always upgrade! :-)
.... because it is easier to tell the computer to "Check for 5 free game slots" then to say:
Figure out sections, then see how many games will be created, then check to see if free spaces is availabel, then once players are kicked out figure out new section, then see how many games will be created, then start tournament.
<What I cannot understand is WHY restrict to 5/10 when NO MORE THAN 4/8 are needed in a 5-max-per-section tourney! Even if players are removed, surely NO section will exceed 5 players, right? If you tell me that there CAN be sections with >5 players in a 5-max-per-section, then we have a problem understanding what MAXIMUM means :)
It can actually work in your favor also. Since it is hard coded to only look for 5 free game slots (10 free game slots for 2-game tournaments), you could end up with as many as 7 games (or 14 games) started and will let you play over your 20 game limit!
I have a mathematics degree as well :-)
The answer is simple - since some players can be removed from a tournament during creating the sections, it is not possible to determine how many slots you will really need BEFORE the sections are generated. That's why there is the 5/10 slots rule. The second reason is to give pawns another reason why to upgrade to a higher level where this limit is no more applied.
Shortly - you are playing here for free, so you must accept all pros and cons. I see no reason why I should add more advantages to non-paying members.
In a tournament, we have a maximum number of players per group, say MAXP. We also have a number of games to be played between any two players in the group, say NUMG. Each player in the group will play all the others - the number of opponents is therefore (MAXP - 1). Multiplying this number by NUMG, we get the total number of slots needed at the most for a tournament. Of course, if a group's number of player is less than MAXP, then they will actually need less.
If anyone offers a satisfactory explanation WHY in a 5-per-group 2-game tournament one needs 10 and not 8 slots as proved above, I will have to tear up my mathematics degree, as such explanation is bound to have any number of fatal flaws...
(nascondi) Se vuoi giocare contro un avversario del tuo livello, puoi definire un BKR minimo ed uno massimo per ogni nuova partita che intendi creare. In questo modo nessun giocatore che non sia all'interno di questa fascia di rating potrà vedere o accettare il tuo invito. (Katechka) (mostra tutti i suggerimenti)