Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE
ClayNashvilleTn: It's not a league table as such. You just have to have more points than any other team when all the games are played. I think you're second alphabetically.
Bry: Actually as a side note, since the "digs" were pointed towards me, I do not like to moderate those types of posts since it would seem too much like I was "abusing" my power to help myself (Unless it is CLEARLY over the lines). But don't worry - I can handle the idiots who like the bring up the same subject every few months since they apparently can not read my profile, or remember what was said last time.
Pioneer54: The 5 moderators are not online, but 2 GM's are.
The posts are "on topic" as such as they are regarding moves made in tournaments.
If you seriously expect such posts to be moderated, where do we stop? You cant please anyone. If the posts were un suitable, BBW, as a GM and the brunt of the conversation, is big enough and bad enough (excuse the pun!) to take the matter elsewhere or put an end to it. Plus Purple is correct.
I read reams and reams of posts cluttered with comments i dont care for, but that's life, it's a discussion board.
Fencer: Where, pray tell, are the FIVE 'Moderators' that are supposed to be moderating this site?
I ususlly enjoy reading this board, but lately it has become too cluttered with comments by Pedro Martinez, ChuckChuckers, & BBW about BBW's slow play and/or other activities. I like these players, but would not this bickering be better done among them with PMs? If not, how is all of this relevant to tournaments?
Salkkuman: I'm not sure if "open" is the right attribute since the tournament is private [invitations only]. Anyway, if you want to make a link, just copy and paste the tournament URL and BrainKing will convert it to a link automatically. Like this:
Finnish server chess open starts 11.11 it should become strongest chess tournament here ever. PM me that you are strong and i invite you. Where can i read how to do that link?
All tournaments have time limits for players. Check the time limit before you enter tournaments. If you prefer faster tournaments then pick tournaments with shorter time limits. If you choose to play slower, pick tournaments with longer time limits.
Further discussions complaining about people and the time limit of tournaments or games need to be taken privately with that person.....unless you prefer to be put on hide.
Pedro Martínez: My point exactly.... too much on his plate. Seems he cares more about being a glob and playing on these boards than the tournaments he has committed to. Maybe his upcoming vacation will help clear his head? When are you going to be gone BBW? I dont think you actually said that?
BIG BAD WOLF: It's just amazing that on a game site, it takes you less than an hour to reply to my post with such a long one, yet more than 11 months to complete an anti-froglet or small-espionage game or more than 10 months to complete a backgammon game.
Modificato da (5. Settembre 2005, 15:56:18)
Pedro Martínez: Well since you are unable to read a persons profile, you would know that when asked - I will try to play games faster if needed and asked, but trying to make a point on a public board is not asking nicely now... is it? Czuch - you have to be smarted then that. It takes at least at a very minimum 15 days to finish a pond, and many more days for bigger ponds or longer day ponds - and you can very simply Look at my ratings chart and tell I started to slow down in games (Chart starts to have less "points") when my rating was in the 2300-2400 range, long from the #1 rating in the game - WHICH I'm not number 1 - PLUS I'm still playing in active games and even though I never said I was stoping - just not playing in as many which I still have active ponds I'm playing in, and will be starting more once those are complete. Even though all this I have said before, but since you are not smart enough to remember either - I will repeat it all again. When I started getting so many games, I had plenty of time to play and was able to keep up with games. With a new job and other things in my private life, my on-line game playing time has went down and have been unable to play as quickly So many games were started when I had time, and unfortunatly were not complete before my on-line time went down. It is not news that I'm now not a quick player - it is a fact that I openly admit - and is something that I openly admit in my profile. I find it very funny that in one week, I have one person telling me I'm not playing enough - then have another player - ALONG WITH THE SAME FIRST PLAYER - telling me I'm playing too much.
*EDIT: First took out the "idiots" comment since some might take it as I'm trying to call Pedro an idiot, which I did not mean it as an insult - so I removed it.
*ADDITION: For Czuch: Since you may not know how to work the charts, MY POND CHART FOR MY LAST 20 OR SO PONDS - as you can see, when I started to slow down, I was not close to the #1 position, and even diped to 2100 at one point. If you can not understand the chart, please PM me and I can try to explain them to you.... since I know they can be a little tricky.
Pbarb2: I am just guessing but I imagine the win/lose point projections were at the time the game began and was markedly different at the end as both of your BKR's had changed.
I received this and would like to know why I got 0 points. This one timed out in our game. And then I get this ..
Your opponent ran out of time (Hyper Backgammon) (show game)
You are the winner.
Pbarb2: old BKR = 2004, new BKR = 2004 (0)
Universal Eyes: old BKR = 944, new BKR = 942 (-2)
Game type: Hyper Backgammon
Tournament: Big Time Backgammon
Ok question is this..Why is it zero when if I won it I would get 15 or lose 15 if I lost. To me this tells me that anyone can time out and you can't get ahead in your ratings. He only lost 2 for timing out.
Example:If he times out in 10 of my games I have nothing to gain. Is this fair? He timed out in quite a few. But why should I or anyone be the one to suffer for a time out.
Note: I am not just picking out UE. It has happened with others before..also. It is just that UE happens to be the one in this case.
Pedro Martínez: I agree... There is something wrong when you are the last to finish games in many different tournaments. We have gone through this before, and yes you have the right to play as slow as the limits allow, but why would you want to, and why so consistantly?
This being a GAME site, I think games should be the priority. Why one would volunteer to do such a time consuming, non game playing job as a Global Moderator when they clearly dont even have enough time to play their games in a respectful manner is beyond me? This goes back to another debate I have had before.... Moderators and Globs, including BBW have gone on record that they do these jobs as a favor to the site and there is no ego involved. But how are you doing a favor to the site by distracting your time to the point where you lag in your games? Its funny that BBW never worried about too many pond games until he happened to hit the number one ranking.
BBW, you are an intelligent man, why does it take you years of playing 500 or 600 games at once to realize that is too many for you? Or why did it take you months of playing 50+ pond games only to realize this was too many, and coincidently, it happened to be the same time you hit the highest ranking? No ego????? If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck.....
I have nothing against slow movers, I'm in a game that was started in 2003 and I don't have a problem with it. But when I see a person who is the ONLY obstruction from a tournament to move on for SUCH a long time, it drives me nuts. If I saw other people were waiting for my games to finish in order to get their prizes frome prize tourneys for instance, I'd do everything I could to move as fast as possible in such games.
Modificato da (5. Settembre 2005, 02:26:40)
Pedro Martínez: And you point is......??? I never claim to be fast and I try join tournament with long limits. But I'm glad you felt like taking the time to research this fact..... even though for anyone smart, I mention right in my profile that I'm not a quick mover so what you are saying is nothing new... but I hope you feel beter for pointing out what is already in my profile...... Something that I already admit openly in my profile for the whole site to read. I'm sure you have helped every single person on this site without a mouse who is unable to click on my name and read my profile on their own. I'm sure they will thank you.
Modificato da (2. Settembre 2005, 00:13:19)
I have 2 tournaments that is set to start later this month.
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
►►►►► Happy 3rd Birthday BrainKing ◄◄◄◄◄ - This is set to start on September 26 - which just happens to be pretty close to BrainKing's 3rd Birthday. All Games. Would be cool if we could get enough players to play in each game type! (That would be at least 4 for each game type)
This tournament is for players rated BELOW 1500, or unrated - so it give a good chance for players to try new games.... without being "killed" by expert players.
I have a question: there is this tourney where the move-limit is one hour and is in the "waiting" status. can anybody help me in telling me when it is going to start? (coz I'd hate to go away from the pc for over an hour and thus miss it!) - thanks for the help, it is the tourney created by qusar in backgammon variations!
The Sunshine Club needs 2 players yet for the Backgammon team tournament. If youre already on a team and wont be playing, we'd be happy to have you. I just like to play, I dont need to play to win, because this game has a strong luck factor, and even the lowest ranked team can win!!
so, even if you have a low BKR and your 'team' isnt using you, and you want to play, I have room for you!! lets have fun!