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Moderatore: Walter Montego 
 Chess variants (10x8)

Sam has closed his piano and gone to bed ... now we can talk about the real stuff of life ... love, liberty and games such as
Janus, Capablanca Random, Embassy Chess & the odd mention of other 10x8 variants is welcome too

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19. Giugno 2003, 17:44:02 
The problem is if you are missing the "www" from the start of that, and your cookies have the "www" in it, you get the logon screen. So try this:


19. Giugno 2003, 21:17:49
Grim Reaper 
Argomento: Thanks BBW...back to the game
OK, to help you guys out, here is the position again, this time with a little hint:

Juan vs. Ed

After 38. Ng5!! I will play 38...Ng6 and I claim white to move can draw.

If Caissas can win this, I would like to play the black pieces against his upcoming moves just to prove black has no worries at all :)

But, white should still be able to draw this line, and the first to do so wins the mug :)

19. Giugno 2003, 21:51:17
Argomento: Re: Thanks BBW...back to the game
OK, I'll step up to the plate; after all, it's my game! In fact, I think perhaps I should get a GCA mug just for coming up with the idea of 35.Rxh6+ against Ed. :-)

After 38...Ng6, 39.h7+ Ki7 40.Ah5+ Kh6 41.Aj7+ Kg7 42.Ah5+ Kh6= (42...Kf8 Axg6+)

After 38...Qe8, 39.h5 (with the idea 40.h7+ Ki7 41.h6+ Kj6 42.Ai6 Ng6 43.Ah5+ Ki5 44.Aj4+ Kj6=). If 39...Qf8, then 40.Ai5 followed by 41.Ah7+ Kj6 42.Ai5+ Ki8=. Moving the Bishop doesn't help: For example 40...Bf6 41.Ah7+ Kh8 42.Ai6+ Ki8=.

After 38...Nc6, 41.Ai5 followed by 42.Ag6+ Kj7 43.Ai5+ Ki8=. If 41...Rg8, then 42.h7+ followed by 43.hxg8=Q (or, perhpaps, 43.hxg8=C). If 41...Qj7, then 42.Ag6+ Kj8 43.Nh7+ Ki8 44.Ni5+ wins Black's Queen for a Knight.

19. Giugno 2003, 22:32:28
Argomento: Re: Thanks BBW...back to the game
But Juan,after 38...Ng6, 39.h7+ he plays 39...Qxh7 40.Nxh7 Kxh7 and this is the critical position you have to prove...,probably a little bit better for black...

19. Giugno 2003, 23:56:42
Grim Reaper 
Argomento: About the mugs...
By the way this is the same kind of mug they sell in target for $14, it is stainless steel and has one of those thermal lids that keeps hot stuff hot for hours! I bought 300 hundred of them, so I need to make some damn money on this deal :)

Anyway, Caissas has the correct idea, exchanging off the queen for the Rook, Knight and Pawn is the only way to keep Black from getting in trouble.

With the king off of the back rank and the Rook able to eventually get free, white would have to settle for a 3-fold repetition.

So, after 40...Kxh7 continue, you are not out of the woods yet :)

20. Giugno 2003, 01:32:53
Argomento: Re: About the mugs...
Interesting! I admit to not considering 39...Qxh7 seriously since it appeared to give up Black's advantage. OK, I've spent enough time on this and don't see how White can force a draw in this line, although it seems to me that Black's chances for winning have essentially evaporated. I guess I'll just have to use the stainless steel mug I already have! :-)

20. Giugno 2003, 01:34:59
Grim Reaper 
Argomento: Re: About the mugs...
You can't give up analyzing your OWN GAME! Back to work!

20. Giugno 2003, 11:44:36
Argomento: Re: About the mugs...
Of course I can! What is this? Boot camp? ROFL!

It appears to me that after 39...Qxh7 40.Nxh7 Kxh7, White must play 41.h5 (41.Ah5 doesn't seem to go anywhere since it doesn't even set up a check next move). Then, after 41...Nxf4 42.Ai5+ Ki7 43.Bc1 e5 44.Ng6+ Kh6, it's not at all clear (at least to me) how White is supposed to force a perpetual check. It does appear that White can gobble up a couple of Pawns along the way and that his chances of holding the draw are excellent, though.

20. Giugno 2003, 17:27:28
Grim Reaper 
Argomento: hint for Juan...
...I am trying to remain IMPARTIAL as this is a CONTEST...but if you show me SOMETHING leading to a perpetual check draw you get the mug.

If Cassias, whose GAME this is NOT, but who seems to be closer to the mark in being able to analyze it....should he show the correct sequence, the mug is his.

Now back to work, this IS boot camp LOL!

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