Fernando took Scarlet in his arms and silent music filled the air.. only music the two of them could hear. He swung her over the beach and danced softly with her.. swaying quietly together .. Scarlet dreamily followed his lead. Sandalwood and basalm continued to lure her direction and became even more stronger when she rested her head upon his shoulder. Fernando was so gentile and so masculine, his charms were so different then the men in her life had been. She didn't want the evening to last..
Yet.. she kept seeing Isabella peering out from the bushes along the upper coast.. A crackling sharp noise brought Scarlets attention as she sharply turned her focus on a man and woman walking up to Fernando and herself.. as the couple got closer she could see that it was Jim and Amelia..
Horseman: Isabelle turned chalk white and turned and fled deeper into the jungle. Crying uncontollingly she triped over a root and landed flat on her stomach. There she laid quiet crackeling sounds came thru the vegetation, shouting and screaming continued; slowly Isabelle began to feel dizzy, "whats happening to me" and she lost contionesness.
amandalove: a figure appeared from the darkness...it was fernando. " Isabelle...let me help you up, my enchantress..." How did HE get here she thought...
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