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11. Giugno 2005, 14:53:46
Argomento: Re: Bengali fonts
chessmec: Yes, everything's up to date (XP SP2). I must have some strange settings somewhere. It can be a problem with the Czech version of IE which I use.

12. Giugno 2005, 02:53:25
Modificato da Bernice (12. Giugno 2005, 02:54:11)
checked it with both Firefox and IE and they both looked identical.....all ?????????????

12. Giugno 2005, 08:52:12
Argomento: Re: Fencer: Bengali fonts

12. Giugno 2005, 11:27:10
Argomento: Re: Fencer: Bengali fonts
danoschek: Thanks, there are many useful information. However, it still doesn't solve my problem because they say "go to Internet Options / Fonts and select the font for your language script" but when I select Bengali on that panel, no fonts are provided to choose from although I have them installed on my computer.

12. Giugno 2005, 13:51:57
Argomento: Re: Fencer: Bengali fonts
Fencer: have you tried to manually force the issue by using the submenu "character coding"?

12. Giugno 2005, 13:55:52
Argomento: Re: Fencer: Bengali fonts
rabbitoid: It's set to utf-8 by default and there is no option of Bengali or anything similar to it.

12. Giugno 2005, 14:31:41
Argomento: Re: Fencer: Bengali fonts
Fencer: same here: when I look at what IE selected, it's UTF-8. same as for firefox. the characters look right. my version displays: 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519. maybe w wrong UTF-8 version, or one that doesn't have all it needs?

13. Giugno 2005, 04:07:24
Argomento: Re: Fencer: Bengali fonts
Fencer: I hoped too the bug would hide in character coding somehow ...
can't reproduce it and still wait for answer from bulgary using korean ... :P
this link to a similar problem is the last breeze of my brainstorm then ~*~

16. Giugno 2005, 06:10:34
Argomento: Re: Bengali fonts
Fencer: I can see the characters just fine Fencer.. :)

16. Giugno 2005, 21:19:05
Argomento: portable GPS
has anyone ever used a like the one in this link ?

what are the important features to watch for ?

i will be going to costa rica next month, including a 3 day walk by foot, and would love to track my path with such a device (mainly for reference when i am back home :))

any tips ?

16. Giugno 2005, 21:30:27
Argomento: hm gps
for me it would be important not to use it
and wait for the european galileo system ...
which is better and won't charge before help ... ~*~

16. Giugno 2005, 21:51:11
Argomento: Re: portable GPS
Hrqls: Garmin is good :)
I played with something as this one is

16. Giugno 2005, 23:33:15
Argomento: Re: portable GPS
Hrqls, I would spend the money to make sure you get the features you want. Such as downloadable maps. Also, get one before you need it so you can have the time to learn how to use it. You can go to for some fun exercizes to help you learn how to use it.

I've only used one once. When it says it is for the US market only and uses the WAAS...does it only work in the US. Isn't the WAAS a US based network?

17. Giugno 2005, 00:22:30
Argomento: good moment now indeed
Modificato da danoschek (17. Giugno 2005, 05:11:02)
loser systems will try price dumping a while yet - well, good luck that they
won't get intelligence of WMDs in mid-america ... then civilians can't rely
anymore on gps functions - as italians had to experience during bosnia war ... ~*~

17. Giugno 2005, 08:02:57
Argomento: Re: portable GPS
fra: where did you use it ? did you also use it outside the usa ?

how was the battery life ? i will be walking for 1 day, then i maybe can recharge it but i am not sure, then 1 day walking around that location, than 1 day walking back .. so i would prefer to be able to keep it running for 3 days (which i fear is impossible) but at least for 1 day walking (about 9 hours)

your link says it can store maps in its 1mb memory, how accurate are those maps ? are there only maps from the usa or from other countries as well ?

i plan to buy it soon and play a bit with it over here (in car, on bike, and walking in the dunes/forest

do you have to pay a monthly fee to be able to use the gps data ?

17. Giugno 2005, 08:09:37
Argomento: Re: Re: portable GPS
Summertop: waas is a network of ground stations of which the coordinates are known exactly, those ground stations are used to calculate a correction on the gps data (due to atmospheric noise, slightly movement of the satelites, etc.) .. the ground stations are in the usa .. the waas signal cant be received everywhere .. and even if it can be received outside the usa i am not sure the correction is correct for other coordinates ... so waas is nice .. but not something i would select the device for (without waas the accuracy is about 15 meters, with waas about 3 meters)

i had a look at some of the exercizes .. fun :)
the geko 201 also has some gps games on it .. can be fun to play with :)

i am not sure about the maps ... i think i would like it and it would definetly be a pro .. i wont be able to use it in costa rica i think .. but i would be able to use it on other trips for sure . so for the moment i dont need it .. but its definetly a big pro (if it doesnt raise the price too much :))

i read a dutch review who said it worked nice for him .. so it works outside the usa as well *phew* :) .. i read some more reviews and it seems the battery life is slightly less than the 12 hours which garmin claims .. can you switch batteries without losing data ?

what were you experiences with the device you used ? (which brand, type, what area, what occasion ? ;))

17. Giugno 2005, 08:46:55
Argomento: actually also the netherlands are informed

and nothing might be received anymore, if an arab gets noisy indigestion.
gps gives a flying stuff on what civilians thing to be fun ... ~*~

17. Giugno 2005, 09:03:21
Argomento: Re: portable GPS
danoschek: *nod* i have read some more about galileo .. but i dont expect it to be available for private persons like me within the next 5 years

it always states that the use of galileo is free, while you have to pay for the use of gps ... how will i be paying for the use of gps when i buy something like the geko 201 ? will i have to pay a monthly fee ?

17. Giugno 2005, 09:15:12
Argomento: Re: Re: portable GPS
Hrqls: I used european version of Garmin in Czech. I think (but I'm not sure) that only difference between USA and EU version is set of maps provided with ...

//how was the battery life ?
You can use rechargeable batteries ...

//your link says it can store maps in its 1mb //memory, how accurate are those maps ?
Sorry, I dont remember, please ask Garmin or map provider ...

// are there only maps from the usa or from other //countries as well ?
I'm sure that there are many maps providers ...

//i plan to buy it soon and play a bit with it //over here (in car, on bike, and walking in the //dunes/forest
There is only one problem ... You need direct view to the sky ... so in deep forest :)

//do you have to pay a monthly fee to be able to //use the gps data ?

second possibility: to use pda with GPS modul and buy accurate maps but the battery life of PDA isn't good ...

17. Giugno 2005, 09:21:06
Argomento: Re: Re: Re: portable GPS
fra: i thought about a pda as well .. but as you said the battery life isnt that good .. and its a bit more expensive (ok it offers more, but not something which is a big advantage to me :))

i will be searching the internet a bit more today, glad that you didnt have to pay for the use of the gps data :) ... do you really need a clear view to the sky ? that could be a problem in the forests of costa rica :(
i hoped from this review that i could use it well in a forest .. but i now see he writes the leaves werent out .. i dont know how much the 'timber' did block

17. Giugno 2005, 09:33:56
Argomento: Re: Re: portable GPS
Hrqls: there will be an open and a business service ...

17. Giugno 2005, 11:11:32
Argomento: Re: Re: Re: Re: portable GPS
Modificato da Backoff (17. Giugno 2005, 11:12:24)
Hrqls: I don't know what you have where you live but here in the US, I have the blackberry 7520 with Nextel. It has full GPS, it's bluetooth, it's a full PDA, and it's even a cell phone lol. The price isn't bad either....

17. Giugno 2005, 23:00:44 
Argomento: Clean up your computer
I have been working on some "tips" on how to clean up a PC and such, and thought I would share it with everyone on here.

It is written for the non-computer type of person. If anyone has any comments or suggestions on anything with it, feel free to let me know (here or in Private Message To me


17. Giugno 2005, 23:43:11
Argomento: Re: Clean up your computer
BIG BAD WOLF: I have been working on some "tips" on how to clean up a PC

In such a case the way is simple: Setting the PC new and rebuild data from backup.

If you have spyware your PC is not trustworthy any more. You cannot exactly kow what came additional with spyware ...

18. Giugno 2005, 00:23:24
Modificato da Backoff (18. Giugno 2005, 00:28:58)
Bob's easy way to remove problems from computer...

1.) Unplug the CPU (that's the "box").
2.) Very carefully carry it to your car.
3.) Drive at a speed way below the posted limit.
4.) Arrive at the tallest building in your city, state, country, planet, etc.
5.) Take CPU to the top floor.
6.) Toss out open window.
7.) Go to best buy, frys, circuit city, etc.
8.) Buy a new one!

Problem solved!!!!!

18. Giugno 2005, 18:06:00
Argomento: MasterCard Alert
Due to a major exploit of a security leak
14 million mastercard users in the states
are possibly vulnerable. contact your service. ~*~

18. Giugno 2005, 18:42:00
Argomento: Re: MasterCard Alert
danoschek: wow

18. Giugno 2005, 18:43:12
Argomento: Re: MasterCard Alert
danoschek: Glad I hav eno master card here!

I prefer to use cash! (That's besides the point that we actually don't have credit cards here in Iran!)

18. Giugno 2005, 19:13:29
Argomento: Re: MasterCard Alert
danoschek: You have a link with the story? I found e.g. at SecurityFocus nothing about that.

18. Giugno 2005, 19:21:51
Argomento: nope - no google - no breaking news
Modificato da danoschek (18. Giugno 2005, 19:29:02)
came noonish, over my security ticker and took me
hours to verify ... but ARD confirmed - it will be part of
the evening news ... sorry. - again, only us-residents are inflicted ... ~*~

18. Giugno 2005, 19:28:33 

18. Giugno 2005, 19:31:38
Argomento: ahhhh
oh well google ...
attitude and performance divert yet a lot ... ...
reminds me that yahoo won a search engine contest by length lately ... ~*~

18. Giugno 2005, 19:44:20
Argomento: Re:
Modificato da votacommunista (18. Giugno 2005, 19:45:09)

( Link to Yahoo-Article )

Gamsin said she did not know how the virus-like computer script that captured customer data got into CardSystems' network, which MasterCard said was infiltrated by an "unauthorized individual." Neither company would elaborate.

LOL! "Infiltrated by an "unauthorized individual"

18. Giugno 2005, 19:54:31
Argomento: Re:
chessmec: Sounds like espionage to me!

18. Giugno 2005, 20:09:59 
I went to a computer security seminar not too long ago, where they listed the most recent big "data thefts" - and in all but 1 case, it was a security issue with just someone "walking out" with the data - no one actually "breaking in" and stealing the data.

(point being that the physical security / access logs of employees looking at data should be as important as outside-world access security)

18. Giugno 2005, 20:49:54
Argomento: Re: Clean up your computer
BIG BAD WOLF: dont forget about the registry

  • EasyCleaner : cleans up files and registry
  • RegClean: cleans up the registry (tool from microsoft itself, scans 'deeper' than EasyCleaner

19. Giugno 2005, 02:28:03 

We are currently looking for a new moderator of this board. Are you interested?

  • More Information: Check out the Members only board

  • To Apply: Just Send me a Message

    PLEASE do not post if here since I may miss it, just send me a message. Also feel free to send me a message with any questions.

  • 20. Giugno 2005, 22:55:44
    Argomento: Master Card News Update
    MasterCard: 40M Credit Card Accounts Exposed
    June 20, 2005
    An Article for Earthweb-Datamation By Clint Boulton ... ~*~

    21. Giugno 2005, 07:58:43
    Hey all,
    Does anyone know a method in JAVA that can change integers into strings?

    21. Giugno 2005, 08:03:55
    Not right off the top of my head but check the sun forums, I'm sure it's on there. I do remember some but I forgot where to put the "s" lol

    21. Giugno 2005, 08:16:01
    Argomento: Re:
    Backoff: Sun forums?

    21. Giugno 2005, 08:58:30

    21. Giugno 2005, 09:05:34
    Argomento: Re:
    reza: String.valueOf(int)

    21. Giugno 2005, 14:44:07
    Argomento: Re:
    Fencer and backoff: Thanks a lot.

    21. Giugno 2005, 14:53:38
    Argomento: Re:

    int x = 17;
    String myString = String.valueOf(x);

    at the moment i saw fencer told you it earlier ...

    21. Giugno 2005, 14:55:23
    Argomento: Re:
    chessmec: Thank you fo rreplying too.

    22. Giugno 2005, 07:45:52
    The method of "exit(int)" from "System" class is used to close the program .

    In the program that i wrote there's a window that opens with "Frame" class, in this window there's a button by pushing which another window is supposed to open.

    Now I have trouble making my program close the second window without closing the first one. I tried to use exit(int) but it closes the whole thing. Does anyone have any idea how I should do it?

    I'd appreciate it if the solution you give is in 'system' class.

    Thanks very much.

    22. Giugno 2005, 08:51:31
    Argomento: Re:
    reza: System.exit() terminates the whole application, i.e. all its frames and windows. If you want to close only one frame, call its own close() method.

    22. Giugno 2005, 10:59:48
    Argomento: Re:
    Fencer: Thanks Fencer. You're a great source of help. What would I do without you?

    23. Giugno 2005, 20:05:15
    Argomento: Fox mail
    Any one tried this mail client out yet? I desperately want to get away from using Outlook and thunderbird will not work for me. I heard Foxmail is #1 in China.

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