ArtfulDodger: I myself was glad to have read the post. I followed up on google to find out more about it as I have cans of that same product in my basement and have teenage boys down there alot. One never knows so now they are locked up. Thanks!
Rose: :) My biggest concern is for my students. I worry about them when they move on to middle school and beyond. It's kinda like the kids moving out of the house. It's good to know these things and I intend to let every teacher in my district know about this. Parents too!
ArtfulDodger: Just be carefull - a lot of times information like this for adults is good, but once kids read it - they think "Cool - I've got to try that" and puts new ideas in some kids heads.
does anyone know of a program (preferably small and free ;)) to rotate a mpg movie ?
on my holiday i made a few movies with the camera dangling on my belt (i was sliding along a cable through the canopy myself) .. so the movie cant be viewed easily
chessmec: thanks! it works perfectly! and its free ;)
i managed to turn the movies easily (and resize to reduce the size) and to cut them in pieces .... its a great program!!
the only disadvantage is that it can only save as avi ... does anyone know a nice free program to convert avi into mpg ?
i did a search on google, found a lot of them .. tried one .. and it gave me a really artistic mpg .. lost of moving shapes .. but you couldnt really recognize any human forms anymore ;)
does anyone know an avi to mpg convertor which works better ?;)
Can anyone tell me how you measure the size of a monitor? Is it just the screen, side to side - or the screen diagonal, or everything including the casing?
Maxxina: short answer is no however in my experience is that you usually have to sign up for those that allow you to send via internet and then they are from your country of origin as they ask what your mobile number is. So you will probably have to do a search on the internet.
Here is Australia, I'm able to sms overseas from my mobile at the same cost as if I were smsing to another aussie mobile number. I use it a lot to keep in contact with my fiance' that way.
Maxxina: a few years ago there were a lot of websites where you could send sms for free ... about a year ago i wanted to find such a site again ... but couldnt find any which was totally free .. often you had to purchase another service and would then get the sms for free
but i think i found one site which offered 10 free sms per week for free, where you could sign up for free ... i forgot which site though (it was a dutch site) .. i will have a look if i can find it
i wrote myself a program which could send sms .. it encoded the message to the sms format (plus a few control characters) .. made a modem connection to an sms server .. send the message .. receive the answer from the server .. and break the connection
it used a dutch sms server .. but i guess it would work in czech as well when you know the phone number of an sms server there
last time when i tried my program it didnt work though .. but that might have been because i tried to make it work via an isdn modem line
(the traffic controllers we make still use the same sms server and it still works)
my program is written in visual basic 6 .. if you want i can send it to you via email
Arctic Warrior: I love animation shop but only have v6.2
I have been using macromedia flash....does wonderful animations :)
look here
the hummingbirt was done in animation shop and the rest done in flash :)
Hrqls: Coke is VERY hard on keyboards. If you go wireless (I did) make sure you get a keyboard that has the same layout as you are used to. For example, Microsoft's wireless keyboard combined the Insert and Delete keys into one BIG Delete key. Then they moved the insert kety elsewhere. also, on the Microsoft Wireless keyboard, by default, the Function (F1-F12) keys don't work.
I prefer the Memorex wireless keyboard/mouse combo. Very standard layout of the keys, plus all the quick launch keys that many people like.
somehow a night rest seems to do my keyboardf good .. it seems to work a bit better .. the 'df' was a normal typo for me .. not the keyboard this time :)
i really hate those keyboards without an insert key at the right place :)
i also hate it that i have 2 keyboards at home .. one with insert,home, pageup and below that delete,end,page down and below that power,sleep,wake
while on the other keyboards i have printscreen,scroll lock,pause and below insert,home,pageup and below delete,end,page down
so the delete key has been shifted one row down .. therefore i always miss it when i am on the other keyboard :)
i dont use the quick launch keys .. most of those functions i dont use or i access about as fast via another way (although i sometimes do use the volume key on there)
but it seems my keyboard is working again .. i cant find any flaws anymore :( ... which means i cant allow myself to buy the wireless stuff :)
(patrially because i have a logitech mouse with softgrip and thumb button ... i love the thumb button .. and i love the soft grip .. so far i havent seen any mouse with those 2 combined .. and i cant bring myself to lose one of those 2 features :))
Summertop: lol .. might be an idea .. just finished my can of coke for the day though :)
if i go wireless though i will go wireless on both .. today in the free newspaper in the train (spits) there was an article about mice (are computer 'mouses' also called 'mice' ?) and keyboards .. will read that now .. will see if there is anything new on the market since last time that i checked about 2 years ago :)
It's a screen saver - which communicates with other computers to share "sheep" and such. I normally don't like when things "share" things with my computer, but for some reason I just felt like trying this. Kind of interesting - thought I would share it.
one pc in our work ( IE 6.0.2800.1106, W2K with all patches) does not show the logos (all firewalls off). but two other shows it ... (and all other browsers: no problem)
the tag is:
div style="background-image:url(background2.gif); " ...
which made the problem in one pc ... but I think it is the problem of the one pc only ...
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