Badinage: Obviously. However, for games close to the beginning of the Win95 era, the problem still persists - take my given example, The Need For Speed (plain or Special Edition) - even DOSBOX, the usual emulator for such cases, doesn't play it properly. Only true DOS will do for this, and similarly "edgy" games...
Need for Speed im unsure about as never played/owned it. However I regularily play Duke Nuken (1,2,and 3D) and Quake (1 & 2) on my XP Machine!! And as far as im aware they are PRE NFS??
Badinage: Yes, for any pre-Win95 games, it's no problem - it's those "edge" cases where programming was slightly different to make sure compatibility with then-new systems and OSes that causes this unfortunate situation for people like me... All newer NFS games run perfectly on XP, BTW.
Badinage: CD installation, sorry :) I think the final solution will be to create a special boot disk, loading all memory management and sound drivers, so that I can at last run this tough cookie :)
I have just played the demo of NFS on my XP Box (and now I know why I never bought the game LOL)
I should point out however that I reformatted my Hard-Drive long ago as FAT32 and not the standard NTFS as most XP machines will be. The reason being is that DOS wont recognise an NTFS Drive.
1) Get a good DOS Boot Disc ( /)
2) Save or copy the game to a folder on your root directory (c:\NFS) (only on FAT32 systems. If your system is NTFS then you need to install the old DOS game to a folder (as above) and then rip that folder to a CD
3) Ensure that the details of your CD Drive are on the Autoexec/config files so that it runs from the DOS boot disc (ie, :
4) Put the DOS Boot disc in your floppy drive, and reboot the PC in DOS
5) Navigate to the C:\NFS and execute TNFS.EXE (or on an NTFS system the CD Rom: D:\NFS\TNFS.EXE
6) BINGO you have a chunky graphics, rubbish sound and rather bland game of an era long since surpassed
furbster: Got all NFS titles up to Porsche 2000 (US: Porsche Unleashed) - after that, the game went another way I didn't wish to follow. But yes, Underground 2 is good otherwise.
ali: It's about computers, which normally are able to run games, except when a monopoly sceews up their own product and removes backward compatibility for products even less than a decade old :)
Was this issue discussed in the past? For example, how extremely difficult is to have a dual-boot system for a Windows-loving wife and her wife-loving husband? :)
playBunny: Not an expert but from what I have seen it is not possible to do it exactly the way you want to. It maybe easier to use the map as a background and put the text on top or otherwise use the z-index for layering. If something is in a div, it pretty much needs to stay there. There are ways of using float and clear that may help as well. has a lot of ways of using css to do a lot of neat things but...
Good Luck!
BIG BAD WOLF: I have found there are some good books out there to get you started but the big thing to really get to know it is to "practice, practice, practice" AND to search for people who have done something similar to what you want and change their code to learn from it
Modificato da Eriisa (22. Novembre 2005, 17:57:14)
Ok, here I go again! lol
I decided to use FireFox for my eBay stuff and see how it goes. I wanted to print part of a listing, but, when I went to print, the Print spooler seems to have gotten hung up.
The firefox dialog box sayd 100% but never went away, and the Printer box stuck on 'spooling'. So after 3 or 4 mintues, I said, the heck with that!, and tried to delete the print job. I first canceled the Firefox box, then clicked to delete the print job in Epson box. Now it sat for over 15 minutes saying it was deleting it.
In the meantime, I went into AOL, called up the page and printed from there with no problem. Finally, I went back to the Print box and clicked cancel and its finally gone.
Ok, now my question is...... Why can't I print from Firefox????
I don't know what to tell ya, I just tried it 3 times (once on here and twice on ebay) and it printed the selection just fine for me. You are just highlighing what you want and hitting ctrl-P right?
i have recently gotten me an usb hub with 4 ports.
i use it as a longer cable for my usb mouse which is on the firsy port
on the second port of the hub is my usb printer (which is usually turned off)
the other 2 ports are free to use for my camera or usb stick or whatever
now the problem :
when i turn on my computer it sees the hub, but it doesnt see whats connected to it
when i boot up my mouse wont react.
i always have to remove the mouse plug from the hug, reconnect it, and then my mouse will react.
is there anything to do about this ?
i am using windows 98 second edition (soon, within 10 years :), windows xp)
Hrqls: Some items do have problems with hubs, and theres nothing you can do put them straight into a port. Do you have room in your PC to add extra ports?
Hrqls: is the USB hub powered? (an adapter that plugs in to the wall and in to the USB hub)
If not the most likely cause could be that the USB port on the tower is either not powered or has insufficient power to run more than one item. IE the hub and then anything else, that frequently happens on boot up.
win 98SE alot of times does not work well leap frogging USB devices.
If the USB hub IS powered then it could be the way windows boots and it wont recognize past the hub, until the machine is completely booted. But by that time it is no longer looking for a mouse.
I thought be meant a bus things, it plugs into a USB port and has 4 spaces to plug things into. Like an extension lead. I have one and certain things just don't work on it, my printer doesn't for one.
Hrqls: What they said. Another thing to look at, is the hub USB 1.1 or 2.0? If you have a 1.1 hub and a 2.0 device, the PC will not see it because they aren't compatible. On the other hand, a 2.0 hub will see a 1.1 device just fine.
<ok so the PC dosn't support 2.0 . Make sure the devices you are using aren't 2.0.
other than that try some of those steps:
if you are using the front usb ports, make sure they are connected right (I've seen them wrong a few times)
make sure the devices work when connected directly into the PC. defective devices do happen.
Make sure all drivers are installed. Some devices will require installing the driver package before plugging in the device. Some devices will also require basic USB files from the Windows CD before the unit will function. The general rule is to always follow installation directions precisely and to have the Windows CD ready when using 98. WinXP has almost every driver made preinstalled so this isn't an issue with XP.
Check the device manager (right click on my computer, properties,) and see if you are having any unknown device driver issues. If so, try to update the unknown device driver from within Device Manager. First try letting Windows search for one. If that fails, go back and choose "Select from a list" and then "Have disk". Browse to the device CD and look for the appropriate Windows folder there. Try browsing to the Windows CD (Win9x folder or i386 folder). Lastly, try updated drivers from the manufacturer's web site.
Try uninstalling the unknown device, unplugging the device and rebooting. Replug when back in Windows.
Be certain that you have the correct drivers! You may have gotten the wrong CD or a CD with drivers for more than one device on it.
Cleaning up in Safe Mode may be necessary. Unplug all USB devices. Reboot the PC. To enter Safe Mode, press the F8 key repeatedly while restarting the PC. Timing is important. Try to press quickly before the Windows logo screen appears. Pressing and holding the CTRL key may work too. Choose Safe Mode and open Device Manager. In Windows 2000 and XP, click View > Show hidden devices. Now locate all USB devices, HID (Human Interface Devices), USB drives and controllers/hubs. Remove all and save the USB Host Controllers for last. When done, restart and replug USB devices one at a time.
If all else fails, just remember that you are entitled to support from the device maker. If you can't get help, do not hesitate to return the device. Some manufacturers only seem to respond to lost business. It's a shame, but it's true. Send them a message - that you won't accept shoddy goods or lackluster support.
Backoff: thanks for the long post :) my situation isnt in your post though :)
the mouse works perfectly when connected directly to the usb port of the pc, so the mouse is usb 1.0 compatible and the drivers are ok
the mouse works perfectly when i have removed it from the usb hub and plugged back into the usb hub when the pc has boot up .. so the usb hub is working perfectly
the only problem that occurs is right after booting up .. my mouse doesnt work .. somehow because it doesnt see it through the hub when the mouse isnt plugged in while the pc is running already .. it has something to do with the order of startup .... but i cant find a way to change that
this morning i was cleaning up my computer at work and deleted the file NTLDR. I should not have done so!
after that i rebooted and got the message :
NTLDR is Missing
Press any key to restart
i couldnt even get into the boot menu (safe mode).
i could create a boot disk, and then boot up from there .. but that wouldnt allow me on the NTFS disk c: where i deleted the file.
i tried to do a recovery via the windowsxp cd, but i needed the admin password for that (which i had entered 3 or more years ago and didnt write down (yeah i am a fool :))
so i was badly stuck!
Here i found a free bootdisk which allowed me to read the ntfs partition, but i couldnt write to it
Here i found a boot disk which contained the NTLDR file, but still i couldnt get to my NTFS partition
Then i found This bootdisk!! this allowed me to boot up and even copy to the NTFS system
be sure to use 'copy ntldr c:\' with the backslash, otherwise it wont work
i was a bit grumpy this morning ... soar throat and my laptop didnt work as it should .. much too slow .. then noticed the sysop had been busy on it .. i noticed a lot of garbage in my root folder .. which i dont like .. so i deleted those .. i doubted about ntldr ... but was too grumpy to check and deleted it :)
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