baddessi: Pedro?????? What about me??? LOL... I am the purest of red sox fans, since I live in new england, and have mourned over them since my early teenage days back in 1975 when they lost to the big red machine....
anyway, I am already over it since we really werent that good this season, despite being better than most. My girlfriend is actually a huge Braves fan since they went from worst to first in 1991 when she was living there. She really is a Greg Maddux fan, and still is now that he has joined the bcubs, but she still follows the braves... 14 straight years winning the division, yet only one world series win, that would almost suck more than not ever getting a try.
Anywho... good luck to you and roger bleeping clemens! Im personally gonna root for the "other" sox now :)
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