Argomento: Re: French Canadians prefer us Yanks to their own?
Walter Montego: Very interesting read there. Thanks for the reply.
I don't want to sway off topic as I realize this board is for sports only. Just want to make mention that if you were to divide Canada in to East and West and have no central provinces then yes Toronto would be considered east. It is 2400KM from me in Nova Scotia to Toronto so we certainly dont consider it part of the East of Canada. Nor do we consider Quebec part of the East. I suppose it all determines where your info is from. To most Canadians they would say Toronto is in Central Canada along with The province of Manitoba!
Phoenix is the cap of Arizona, you were right! Atlanta was right too. I still can rattle thru about 40 of them and still get them right. It was pounded in to our heads or there was no way we were passing grade 8! I wont ever forget that stuff and we arent talking about a few years ago but more like 1978!
Fun discussing this with you..
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