I think you should be very sober whenever you read Hemingway, because he isn´t a sort of dreamer. He writes simple sentences, he writes like a journalist, not as a poet. He shows the truth of life, not fairy tales. He is by no means a poet. But he knows very well, what he is talking about. For example: The Old man and the Sea. There isn´t not even one sentence false or fiction. It is the world of an old fisherman, whos fishing has not been lucky the last time, and now his catch is too big for him and costs his own life. By reading you can imagine every minute of his fight against the ocean, against bad luck, against weakness of his old age. And you will learn what is means, high-sea-fishing and fishing for a living.
And read some of his other big novels. Hemingway is the writer for the "lost generation", he is realistic and sees the world not through "pink glasses". He does not use euphemistic words, just shows the world and life and is it.
And if you think of writing yourself, you can learn by Hemingway to use short sentences, simple words, but full of meaning and truth. What he is able to tell in just one short sentence, others will need to write a whole book.
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