Welcome to the Diet Board. This is the place for anyone wanting advice, support or just to meet other people trying to live a healthy lifestyle and lose weight too!
Now scooby you have NOT Failed miserably!! I for one am sure that you have drank something in the water line. and none of us are failures!! we just fall of the wagon sometimes!! Loo at me I did good just week with my water intake BUT failed miserably at eating!!! I even gained back three of the six pounda that I lost last week!! So Here we are:) I will get back on the wagon if someone will stop by and pick me up:) will you?!!
I hope everyone else had a better week than I did!! But this is a new week for me and I will do my best at loseing this three pounds again!!
(nascondi) Se vuoi giocare contro un avversario del tuo livello, puoi definire un BKR minimo ed uno massimo per ogni nuova partita che intendi creare. In questo modo nessun giocatore che non sia all'interno di questa fascia di rating potrà vedere o accettare il tuo invito. (Katechka) (mostra tutti i suggerimenti)