I already run around the pond some dozend times and to be honest, this is the first time I see somebody to spend all his/her points in the first round. -- If I know that there will be at least one runner "standing" (i.e. with a 0 point move) I can certainly (and I personally will) give only 1 point and I'll stay dry. But as Kitty said, nobody is forced to give 1 point and I'm quite sure, there will be several reward hunters with much more points spended. Anyway, I think even if it "lenghtens the game unnecessarily", the game is much more shortened by the eliminating of 50+ (non)runners in the first round than lenghtened by this rule.
Btw, the "0 point move" is seen far less often than you can think after this (little bit strange) first round, I'd rather expect it (if even) near the finishing-line. Please note that a run with 200+ runners is something quite special, IMHO the ideal number of runners is 20-30.
(nascondi) Se desideri trovare un avversario con una abilità di gioco pari alla tua, guarda nella pagina di valutazione del tipo di gioco desiderato e scegli un giocatore con un punteggio BKR vicino al tuo. (pauloaguia) (mostra tutti i suggerimenti)