BIG BAD WOLF:Yes, but when someone bids 1500pts in order to receive the 500 bonus points ever round and everyone else bids in the 200 range which are reasonable bids, then it removes from the strategy the chance to get the high bid from players that are playing to be competitive.
I have been in games with particular people that bid 1000 points higher EVERY bid so that they can just be around in the top 5. The final 4 would have figures like 12,000 points and the 5th place finisher have 300 points left.
It doesn't happen in every game but seems that tactic is growing.
Once you spot and learn the people that do that, it's not a big deal, but it removes the 500pts factor for everyone else in that particular game.
(nascondi) Alcuni tornei prevedono un premio per il vincitore, come ad esempio un periodo di abbonamento gratuito o un certo numero di "Cervelloni", la "moneta" di (JackAwesome) (mostra tutti i suggerimenti)