@ TAROU: It does not matter if I am stronger than you at Chinese chess, because strong and weak players must play with the same rules.
Also, you can be sure that I do understand the meaning of "almost".
What I do *not* understand is where did you read that perpetual check is almost always forbidden.
Brainking rules for Chinese chess say: "Perpetual check is forbidden." There is no "almost".
Asian rules as given in the World Xiangqi Federation website say: "In any case, the side who perpetually checks will be ruled to lose." (Section 3.1) Again, there is no "almost".
While we wait for an arbiter to help us clarify this matter, may I ask what is this rulebook you are reading from? Kind regards.
Wait for Sleep: Oh yes... I understood what you had wanted to say. My rule book is "Chinese Chess for Beginners by Sam Sloan, fourth printing Nov. 2008".
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