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27. 1月 2012, 19:33:47
Übergeek 바둑이 
件名: SOPA and PIPA
I have looked at the news and debates on these laws. It is funny that the American and other governments are so interested in stopping illegally copied and counterfeit goods (mostly music and movies). At the same time they will do nothing to stop truly destructive things.

It is illegal to copy a movie, but it is legal to make a mysogynistic pornographic film. Half of the Internet is full of pornography that objectifies and denigrates women, men and even children. I wonder if they will shut down or fine advertisers of those sites.

It is illegal to copy a video game, but it is legal to make a video game where people get blown up. I wonder if they will make it illegal to feed to children and youth graphic, interactive violence.

As usual, it is all about money. The only reason why they care about this law is to protect the revenues of billionaires. Here are the Hollywood and media billionaires. Not content with having made billions, they want to continue to make billions. I don't blame artists for wanting to protect their interests and money. If they pass SOPA and PIPA, will they also pass laws that ban violence and pornography in the Internet? After all, many of the users of the Internet are children and youth.

At this point the defenders of "free speech" will stand up on their soap box and say that pornography and violence are a necessary evil to protect free speech. I wonder if free speech is on the mind of the mysogynists that make pornography or the sociopaths that make violence a game. They will say it is up to the parents to stop children from watching pornography and violence. Should it be up to the parents to stop kids from copying movies and games?

Here is the ridiculous thing:
It is illegal to copy a movie of a woman being fisted or being penetrated by three men at the same time, but it is perfectly legal to make that movie.
It is illegal to copy a game where people get beheaded or blown up, but it is legal to make such a game.

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