ユーザー名: パスワード:
管理人: SueQ , coan.net 

Backgammon and variants.

Backgammon Links

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

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26. 2月 2003, 05:08:11
Joseph S 
i didn't know that because it shows up on my games won.....no problem.....thanks for filling me in on the way it works...:)

25. 2月 2003, 21:26:21
件名: Re: Hi
Your game with Athesa was not rated because it was deleted with fewer than 4 moves.

25. 2月 2003, 16:10:18
Joseph S 
件名: Hi
hey...i've finished 4 games of crowded gammon...why no rating....at first i figured there wasn't enough players to start a ratings page yet but now i see other people are already rated....why not me....???

23. 2月 2003, 04:07:58
件名: Re: backgammon
Go to settings then backgammon. There is only small and large, no medium.

23. 2月 2003, 03:44:05
件名: Re: Backgammon Boards
sorry , I have been trying for a long time... I don't believe there is. I know it is hard to get used to..

23. 2月 2003, 03:39:56
件名: Re: gender
Go to my profile to the left column... you should be able to change it there.

21. 2月 2003, 03:30:02
In my last game with clusam, I won the game and thanked him and then it showed that he won the game and he thanked me....confusing..

20. 2月 2003, 05:54:50
alley oop 
件名: backgammon
I wonder if it's possible to have the game board a medium size!!!

19. 2月 2003, 21:15:33
件名: Re: i think my nackgammon rating is stuck
If your opponents' ratings are much below yours it will not change your rating, because actually applying the formula will cause your rating to go down. If your opponent's rating was not a lot below yours it should have gone up.

7. 2月 2003, 06:41:08
件名: Re: gender
If you click on "My profile" on the left (or top, if you're using row layout) and click the blue (edit) beside "My Profile". There are option buttons there that allow you to select the appropriate selection :-)

7. 2月 2003, 04:12:32
regina texas 
件名: gender
how do you change your gender Im a female I overlooked it when I signed in

4. 2月 2003, 06:53:36
件名: New Nack Tournament
1 day moves, Nackgammon, Games start on the 7th...come along and have some Nack fun!

28. 1月 2003, 15:04:59
Joseph S 
件名: Re:
when a players piece is hit in their own home quarter it would add anywhere from 25 to 19 pips to their score...depending on which space it was on when it was hit....if it's hit on their opponets home quarter it would only add 1 to 6 points to their score....i wish i could explain better...maybe after another coffee i'll think a little clearer and be able to explain better..lol

25. 1月 2003, 21:23:13
件名: Re: Backgammon Opponents
will do, invites on the way:-)

25. 1月 2003, 21:22:27
件名: Re:
okay, thx. Fencer.

25. 1月 2003, 21:06:27
Jays Girl 
件名: Backgammon Opponents
If you are looking for a new opponent for
Backgammon, please send me an invite.

25. 1月 2003, 10:51:55
Later. Working on 10 features at the same time [including this one].

24. 1月 2003, 22:27:41
is there any way to lighten the background? i can hardly see the black tiles, and the dice are hard to see. thx. for fixing the direction of the boards.

24. 1月 2003, 17:20:16
Mike UK 
件名: Re: Pip Count
Each man on the bar should add 25 to the pip count.

24. 1月 2003, 09:38:35
And what is the correct value for a man on the bar?

24. 1月 2003, 09:37:20
I would like to know how I should count the points correctly, can you help me? :-)

24. 1月 2003, 00:01:45
Mike UK 
件名: Pip Count
There seems to be a bug in the pip count when there is a man on the bar. It looks like he is counted twice giving a count 25 too high.

23. 1月 2003, 23:44:09
Joseph S 
if the points at the bottom of the anti game is supposed to be the number of pips left...it's not right....i had a game that i hit a players piece and instead of the piece adding 5 points to their score it added 48...lol..i mean that's 2 full boards of pips....i don't usually play by the points anyway but i just noticed it...kinda gave me a good chuckle...:)

23. 1月 2003, 00:07:03
Wizard from Oz 
件名: Re: Nackgammon Tournament
I might be away for a short time but will be looking to join in with that when I come back.

22. 1月 2003, 17:54:30
件名: Nackgammon Tournament
I started a nackgamon tournament with 3 days time out, and nobody has signed up :(
This is my first one, and hopefully not my last. So if you like nackgammon, or backgammon and want to try something a lil different, please come play. Sign ups end on the 27th..everyone is welcome :):)

21. 1月 2003, 11:33:57
Mike UK 
件名: Re: Dice
While you're at it. :o)
You always roll your dice onto your right-hand half of the board, which means your opponent's dice are always on the left.

21. 1月 2003, 11:22:12
Will be done. Soon :-)

21. 1月 2003, 01:14:56
件名: boards
Fencer, Thanks for getting the boards "right".
Now, how about the dice size?

19. 1月 2003, 20:41:28
It should be fixed. Sorry.

19. 1月 2003, 20:05:25
件名: Stingeroni Classic Backgammon Tourney I
I have started a backgammon tourney. No limit to the number of players. Anyone from Brain Pawn membership and up can play. It starts tomorrow (20th), so hurry and sign in if you'd like to play. This will be a regular tournament, with a new one starting at regular intervals (to be determined yet).

Click on the Tournament link on the left hand side of the page, and click on my tournament name to join.

19. 1月 2003, 20:04:02
件名: Stingeroni Classic Backgammon Tourney I
I have also started a backgammon tourney. No limit to the number of players. Anyone from Brain Pawn membership and up can play. It starts tomorrow (20th), so hurry and sign in if you'd like to play. This will be a regular tournament, with a new one starting at regular intervals (to be determined yet).

18. 1月 2003, 12:58:04
Mike UK 
件名: Re: are we going to get a cube
I think it is safe to assume you are playing 5 single point games - no cube, no gammons.

18. 1月 2003, 01:39:39
件名: are we going to get a cube
I started a 5pt game expecting to see the doubling cube...ahhhhhh now I find I have to play 5 games instead (too late to delete) I also would like to know if a gammon is going to count in a 5pt game? LOL or do I just have to play and find out?

17. 1月 2003, 14:36:58
Mike UK 
件名: Re: Pip Count
On my games, it is just below the board. It says Points: XX

17. 1月 2003, 12:31:45
件名: Pip Count
Is Pip count available and I don't know how to display it or is it not yet a feature ?

16. 1月 2003, 14:48:20
件名: hello
I just want to say hello to all players,and I'm glad to see that there is Backgammon and Anti-Backgammon to this site too.I'm open to all invitations

16. 1月 2003, 03:09:30
件名: Random rolls
l play backgammon on a lot of sites and ld like to say that this site actually has true random rolls, its the first site lve seen that does, wtg fencer, l love it

14. 1月 2003, 03:09:13
件名: Enlarging Dice
Is there anyway that I can make those darn dice bigger? I'm using a webtv not a Computer :)

13. 1月 2003, 19:21:21
件名: Re: why me...
LOL...with an attitude like yours lobster, I think we'll all gladly roll out the red carpet...right out the front door. :)

13. 1月 2003, 16:03:11
Opal Lady 
件名: Re: doubles on first move
I learned to play Backgammon on an actual board I do know that it is infact a rule.
Thanx lobster for the back up. LOL

13. 1月 2003, 03:33:29
件名: Re: doubles on first move
I have been playing Back & Nack for 2 months & its not a rule i have heard of.! - Thanks for raising this issue, i shall be watching for this happening.:)

13. 1月 2003, 03:12:16
件名: board backwards
this is soo confusing. also sometimes I have a 5 and 3 and it will give me a 4 and a 2 --- bugs"??

13. 1月 2003, 02:49:59
件名: same thing
We didn't even move yet and said other opponent won.

13. 1月 2003, 00:49:41
Opal Lady 
件名: Re: doubles on first move
You are right....if doubles are thrown when each player throws one die to determine who goes first.....the die is rolled again by each player.
Doubles should never be the first roll.

12. 1月 2003, 23:30:31
件名: Re: bugs ?
I just passed my first turn, and won.

12. 1月 2003, 22:32:12
White Wolf 
件名: bugs ?
just started a game of backgammon race. Made 1 move & lost the game ??? whats happening here ?

12. 1月 2003, 16:01:46
件名: thanks
Thanks,Fencer for fixing the Nackgammon

12. 1月 2003, 11:03:21
件名: Backgammon Dice
I can't see The Backgammon Dice they are too Small?

11. 1月 2003, 15:09:41
Mike UK 
件名: Re: Nackgammon
Stingeroni is right. The start position is correct but the men go the wrong way. It's hilarious!

11. 1月 2003, 08:48:52
About Nackgammon - it is pretty possible, I've just got a start position picture somewhere and maybe it is not correct. I'll fix it.
Dice swapping - click on "Swap dice" link under the board.
Lobster: Hey, I didn't know about this rule! Thanks. I'll fix it.

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