Czuch Czuckers: You didn't say anything about the explanation of jigsaw analogy. I take your silence as 100% agreement given that you're vociferous when you disagree..
You disagree with my use of the word "ridiculous". It was grenv's word but you echoed his sentiment with your "derive pleasure from a meaningless activity".
You talk about people getting upset about your viewpoint. Czuck, you live for those moments! Even so, it doesn't have anything to do with the points that I was making or the questions I was raising.
Finally, you claim that the point is about how a game ends. No, that's not what this discussion is about. Look at the title. "Etiquette" not "Defining the end of the game".
As usual, a debate with you is .... [looking fr a good euphemism] .... the discovery of "challenge".