Aganju: oh yes, a lot of us know this bug..... brainking can't show more as 30 pieces on 1 position, so as soon you reach more as 30 on one position it will detract around 15 pieces.... as soon you bear off your pieces, so that it goes under 30, it will add the missing 15 pieces :-) i had once around 70 pieces on one position, so it happened a lot of times in 1 game.... concerning fencer it's too much work to correct the programming, he just says it's a display problem...
speachless: well I wouldn't care if they are simply _not displayed_, but the pip count should know about them - that is a significant decision point in making it a run game. Now I can only hope hat my opponent is up for the same surprise in some moves...
Aganju: yes you're right, but it's a known bug which fencer will not correct, i've asked him already years ago... up to 30+ on one position brainking just fails...
speachless:that's a huge bug to ignore, especially in cloning gammon. The game should be deleted from this site if it won't be fixed to be played properly.
I agree with Aganju , the pip count should read correctly, even if the graphics fail.
Clandestine 1: I was disappointed too by fencers decision, but at the end of the day, i love too much cloning backgammon to prefer him to delete the game.... i just learned to be aware of the bug, so i see when it happens.... but i'm not saying i'm happy with it, i hated this bug a lot, i just accepted that the bug will not be fixed...
speachless: a bug like that can change the game outcome. It really should be fixed. No other game has a bug like that, unless you're using the brainking app, then there's other bugs that can change the outcome of the game....but that's a different topic.
Clandestine 1: you're right, I was thinking exactly the same years ago after I asked Fencer for a bug fix BUT I wasn't lucky with that... since then i defined my personal new cloning-BG-rule which says, "every piece up to 30 on 1 position will disappear even from the pip count, till the amount goes under 30" - then the disappeared pieces will be magicaly added again - (i know it isn't funny, but Fencer was really clear on that, it would take him too much to go over the programming code, so he was convinced it is a display issue, even if the pip count was affected... I couldn't change Fencers attitude, but maybe you give it a try and see how he reacts