I've re-posted my tournament game since the last one was lost in the crash. I really hope that all of you who signed up before will sign up again. Let's not let a little thing like a site crash, and a bunch of data lost to stop us from getting back in to the swing of things.
件名: Re: Satan's Hellish PENTE Tournament, Take 2...
Not everyone who was once signed up for my tournament has re-signed up... Come on guys. I know that server problem pissed everyone off, but let's get to it. I'd like to see a lot of people in the tourney. We've got some excellent players in it already. It's going to be cool! If you haven't already, please join in!!!
件名: Re: Satan's Hellish PENTE Tournament, Take 2...
I'll even make it easier on everyone. Click on my "Satan's Tourney" link here, and you will go directly to my tournament sign up page!!! No excuses now!