ユーザー名: パスワード:
管理人: Walter Montego 
 Chess variants (10x8)

Sam has closed his piano and gone to bed ... now we can talk about the real stuff of life ... love, liberty and games such as
Janus, Capablanca Random, Embassy Chess & the odd mention of other 10x8 variants is welcome too

For posting:
- invitations to games (you can also use the New Game menu or for particular games: Janus; Capablanca Random; or Embassy)
- information about upcoming tournaments
- disussion of games (please limit this to completed games or discussion on how a game has arrived at a certain position
... speculation on who has an advantage or the benefits of potential moves is not permitted while that particular game is in progress)
- links to interesting related sites (non-promotional)

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

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16. 1月 2004, 19:11:53
Thanks Fencer :o)
I enjoyed the games I have played so far, but not done well LOL what a surprise

16. 1月 2004, 19:10:33
No off-topic, please. You have General Chat and similar boards for it.

16. 1月 2004, 18:58:33
件名: ScarletRose
Could you post a picture of you blushing at the Yahoo group, somehow it doesn't accord with your words.

16. 1月 2004, 18:56:24
件名: Re: Come on back, Scarlet Rose
It's a date then.. I look forward to the further challenge.. *blush*

16. 1月 2004, 18:51:37
件名: Come on back, Scarlet Rose
This is a marvelous game. I invite you to play one myself, after I finish a couple of more. Give me a week or two. Invite me after the 27th January. Glad you are interested.

16. 1月 2004, 18:48:52
Thank you Fencer. I thought the two points that I posted were valid, or I would never have bothered. Take a bow!

16. 1月 2004, 18:46:18
件名: Thanks Fencer
I have often wanted to make comments here as well, but worry also about being put on that list.. I will start getting involved now.. since I have had a taste of Gothic Chess and it appears interesting to me.. :)


16. 1月 2004, 18:46:12
How about a street party?

16. 1月 2004, 18:31:21
Hi Ed,
I don't like the way how you moderate Gothic Chess discussion board. There are currently 43 banned users and it is not normal. No other board has such problems. Moreover, even if you feel insulted by several other people, you cannot misuse the moderator function to solve your personal problems. A moderator must be kind of adaptable and show some basic diplomatic skills to do the job properly. I've been watching your activities for several weeks [or even months?] and, unfortunatelly, I don't think that you can moderate any BrainKing discussion board any longer.
I am taking over this board.

16. 1月 2004, 18:04:19
Subject: Gothic board..

Sorry to bother you but I noticed you'd recently posted on the gothic chess board and as I couldn't see a message box I assume I have been banned. I would just like to point out that there's nothing wrong with a tournament in which the program loses all it's games. I think the humans would enjoy it and the machine would be indifferent. If you feel these sentiments are worth posting on the board please do so.

16. 1月 2004, 17:07:47
Grim Reaper 
件名: Re:
I agree with Steve, but since he cannot refrain from his "name calling" I cannot allow him to post without apologizing and promising to not resort to it in the future.

However, there are at least 3 Gothic Chess programs that are out there now.

Gothic Chess Program Matches

You can click the link above and see how they are doing against one another. Gothic Vortex seems to be the early leader, but TSCP Gothic is making very rapid strides and is clearly the second strongest.

16. 1月 2004, 16:25:09
New! Steve R RE: Gothic Vortex (on gothic chess board) 16. January 2004, 08:43:03
I am sorry its on this board but cant post on that board a reply.

I would rather not see programmes used on this site, it would rather defeat the object of trying to have fun during games :o(

16. 1月 2004, 15:51:52
Grim Reaper 
件名: Re: Gothic Vortex
I am not sure the engine would do well against the top players. At extended time controls (days per move) programs are always at a severe disadvantage. Strategy, implemented correctly, is well beyond the tactical range of the computer.

Recall the famous "postal" chess game between Mike Valvo and Deep Thought. Even though it could reach a depth of 33 plies, Deep Thought lost to Valvo, and Valvo even sacrificed a piece!

The opening book I have put into Vortex could get less experienced players in trouble. These players would also most likely lose by missing tactical shots the program would find.

But players like ChessCarpenter, rabbitoid, nstre, JuanGrande, and MatthewHall would probably be able to score wins.

13. 1月 2004, 05:36:18
Grim Reaper 
件名: Re: Well done on your Gothic Vortex program
Glad you like it.

By the way, if you play it on some of the other levels, like Amateur, Novice, etc., it will turn off some of its knowledge, not just search less deeply. It will turn off the "king safety" code, so it could castle directly into an attack. On some of the higher settings, it will not know how to spot pawn races in the ending that win, so you can outdo it at a later stage.

A part of the challenge was to make it play LESS STRONG without making it play "stupid", and I think we achieved that goal as well.

If you have any interesting games, feel free to use the save as text feature and post them here.

13. 1月 2004, 04:55:24
件名: Well done on your Gothic Vortex program
It is tough and well laid out. Play is simple to follow and responsive.

13. 1月 2004, 04:33:41
Grim Reaper 
件名: Re: Help with opening idea
You might want to take a quick peek at this "hidden" link...

There are some ideas there but what you are talking about is the Colanzi Variation of the Philadelphia Opening.


1. Nh3 d6 2. i3 Nh6 3. Bi2 Nc6 4. f3

Standard Lines
4...e5 5. Af2 Ae7 6. 0-0
4...e5 5. Af2 Ae7 6. 0-0 g6 7. Nc3 f5
Colanzi Variation 1
1. Nh3 d6 2. i3 Nh6 3. Bi2 Nc6 4. e3 e5 5. c3 g6 6. Ae2
Colanzi Variation 2
1. Nh3 d6 2. i3 Nh6 3. Bi2 Nc6 4. e3 e5 5. c3 g6 6. Ae2 Bg7 7. 0-0 Af6

What you have to watch out for after 1. i3 is 1...d5 and now the Bishop on c8 is hitting on your Rook. You have to decide if 2. Bi2 Bxi2 3. Axi2 is for you, or 2. Nh3.

13. 1月 2004, 03:41:12
件名: Help with opening idea
Before I ask my question, I just want to congratulate Ed on the match with Bruce Pandolfini and also thank him for the Gothic Vortex program. I'm currently working on an idea for a "safe" opening. Something like the KIA or Barcza in old chess. In those openings you get a quickly castled king with a solid kingside before getting aggressive elsewhere. You get to gauge your opponent for a few moves before picking your pawn structure, and getting to see where you want to attack. So far I've got 1.i3 2.Bi2 3.Nh3 at move 4 several options present themselves. To stay with the quick castling theme something must be done with the Archbishop. I haven't played enough Gothic Chess to know where the Archbishop can be most effective early in the game. I'm thinking about 4.Af3 5.0-0.
My ambition for a safe opening may be misdirected in Gothic chess. If anyone has any input on this, please feel free to criticize, contribute, or whatever. Thanks, greenknight.

12. 1月 2004, 07:39:23
Grim Reaper 
件名: Gothic Chess Programs Arrive
There are more Gothic Chess programs being developed now from around the world. I played one team from The Netherlands (also known as Holland) and one programmer from Germany has some interesting ideas for piece values.

You can see the sparring between the programs online at...

Gothic Chess Matches if you are interested.

12. 1月 2004, 07:36:34
Grim Reaper 
件名: Re: Nasmichael vs. bwildman
A respectable game with a very entertaining finish. Nicely played, and very well annotated Rob!

12. 1月 2004, 04:34:27
件名: Nasmichael vs. bwildman
I was asked to annotate this game by Nasmichael. It's a game that he loses, but both demonstrate attack and defensive skills in this game. It's a game that is very tactical in nature and a pleasure to go over!

I really am not use to annotating games so I hope I did a good job. My hope is that everyone can enjoy this game and give there ideas on the positions that occur during this game! So if anyone has comments please feel free to give your input as it would be greatly appreciated!!

1. f4 i6
2. g3 Bi6
3. Na3

Nh3 is much stronger in protecting the kingside.

3. ...Ai7
4. d3 Nh6
5. Nj3 O-O
Black is well ahead in development. White should have been getting his Kingside pieces out, such as, Bg2, Af2, O-O.

6. f5 Cf6
7. e4 d5
Black's plan is correct attack White's center!

8. Bg2
Bg5 relieves the pin by the Chancellor.

8. ...Nc6
9. Ah3 Ch5
10.Bf4 Castling here is the safest move. There are many tactical lines that come about if 10. i4! is played.
ex. 10...Cf6, 11. Bg5 Nxf5, 12.exf Axg5, 13. Axg5 Cxf5+ and White is ahead.
if 12. Bxc?? leads to disaster 12...Ne3+, 13. Ke2 BxA, 14. BxB NxQ!

if 12. BxA?? Ne3 dbl+, 13. Kg1 NxQ!

10. ...dxe4
11.dxe4 Nd4 ...e5 is much stronger here forcing the White Bishop to e3.

12.O-O e6
13.c3 c5?! The Knight isn't in a great spot here especially with the c7 pawn vulnerable not to mention the Knight!

14.cxd4 exf5
15.dxc5?! e5 is stronger.
15. ...fxe4
16.Qxd8 Rxd8
17.Ag5 Rh8?
Re8 protects the e-pawn, while Rh8 loses the pawn.

18.Cxe4 Bf5? Another mistake...White's postition is slowly strengthening.

19.Cd6 f6
20.Af3 This loses some steam. 20.Ai3 CxA, 21.jxi

20. Bg4
21.Axb7? Best here is 21.AxB! NxA 22.BxA BxB, 23.Cxb7 and in control.

21. ...Rab8
22.c6 Bxi2!? not a sound sacrifice, but one that helps Black win in the long run.

23.Kxi2 Cj4+
24.Kj1 Cxj3 Ah5 is needed here to continue the attack, however, White is still ahead

25.Rad1?? 25.Cd4 is one of the best Chancellor moves, but almost any Chancellor move here works,
25...RxA, 26.CxR with the threat of promotion as it is White's move gives black a chance at winning the game.

25. ...Ah5! This is the Key move.
26.h3 Ai3+ Black misses a pretty mate in 5!! 26...Bh4, 27.gxB Ai3+, 28.Ki2 Axh4+, 29.Kj1 Cxj2+, 30.Ki1 Cj3 mate.

27.Ki2 Ah5
28.Rd3 Ci5+!
29.Kj1 Aj3!
30.g4 Ci2?? Gives the game back to White & also misses a mate in 3. 30...Ai2+, 31.Ki1 Axh3+, 32Kh2 Cj3#

31.h4! A great move to stop Black's mating threat and get back into the game.
31. ...Cxg2
32.Rxj3 Rxb7
33.cxb7 Cxf4
34.Rxj6 Cf2 Nxg4 was better

35.Rj3?? This is the straw that breaks the camels back! Cd1 and white is still ahead! Black plays it perfectly from here!!

35. ...Cxh1+
36.Ki2 Cxh4+
37.Ki3 Ci4+
38.Kh3 Ci1+
39.Kg3 Cxj3+
40.Kf4 g5+
41.Ke4 Cg3+
42.Kd4 Cxg4+
43.Kc5 Ce5+
44.Kb4 Ng4
45.Nc4 The 2nd and last move of this Knight!!

45. ...Ce7
46.Ka5 Rb8
47. Resigns

Great game guys!!! Yes, there were mistakes, but a fun game none the less...I liked this game more than 99% of mine and I'm not kidding!!

Here is the link to the game ArchivedGame 222603

9. 1月 2004, 06:19:50
Grim Reaper 
件名: Gothic Chess Program Released
The Gothic Vortex program will be released this evening for anyone who wants to try it out free for 30 days.

Click here to check out the program.

All who download it, let me know what you think.

6. 1月 2004, 23:33:36
BTW, this account has not said anything worth banning from this board, and is trying to learn Gothic chess, so I hope it stays able to post.
If so, then it will stay polite :o)

6. 1月 2004, 23:17:27
You missed one out LMAO
But then what is wrong with me using my family's accounts when no moves on mine and they dont mind me moving for them? And I am bored at work :o)
I bet you have more than 1 account. You will also notice that I do not play against myself on these accounts, but they have played each other. Also i announced on the debate board that I use this account, so it isnt a secret .
And each time I have posted on your boards and made valid points, you have banned the account.

6. 1月 2004, 23:08:42
Grim Reaper 
You are forgetting the Archmoderator functions, of course, Glenda , I mean Connor, I mean Steve R. While you log on from both your work location and your home, you sometimes access the multiple accounts from both locations.

Odd that the accounts will each be accessed from two different computers and locations by all of you.

I know, "friends" at work shares your machine, and they follow you home and play on BrainKing as well.

6. 1月 2004, 22:59:48
Does a "t" come out different or something? I have seen that in police films ;o)
You missed a n from my name by the way Gothic inventor.
Maybe he and myself are related or both English and type the same rather than American English which is all wrong :o)

6. 1月 2004, 22:53:03
Grim Reaper 
Conor, just take a look at the text in "your" postings and Steve R's posting. You are both the same person.

6. 1月 2004, 22:51:47
Humbug ;o) I think you are close, but not the right R

6. 1月 2004, 22:49:05
Grim Reaper 
Round 1 starts in just 9 days.

CLICK HERE to sign up for this tournament.

Good luck to Steve R playing in his first Gothic Chess event. I wonder why hokuriku has not joined yet. Are the players too strong for him?

6. 1月 2004, 21:16:13
件名: Re:
I don't see that anything BBW posted was untruthful.. he was correct in all his facts..

Have a great new year!

And, btw.. BBW is well liked on this site.. just as Harley is..

6. 1月 2004, 20:15:11
Grim Reaper 
件名: 8 Players So far...
Round 1 starts in just 9 days.

CLICK HERE to sign up for this tournament.

Good luck to Steve R playing in his first Gothic Chess event. I wonder why hokuriku has not joined yet. Are the players too strong for him?

5. 1月 2004, 19:43:53
Sorry, I was wrong, Big Bad Wolf is not, I just presumed he was because of all his helpful and informative posts on the boards :o)

5. 1月 2004, 19:36:04
Thanks, to a player called Hokuriku, I am getting a chance to practice this game now, but they wont give me pointers :o(
By the way, 2 people who posted on here were not banned from the board like the others, how come? Is it because they are both BrainKing customer services.

5. 1月 2004, 19:31:46
件名: Neutral information?
Since my name has come back up, I will respond.

1. I was repling to a post about someone offering to help the "new player" with games against GothicInventor. The "new player" thought this was cheating. My reply was to simple state (FACT which you backed up) that you also offered to help others in games against another player.

I then go on to say that IN MY OPINION (meaning others may think differently) that making the offer is cheating. AGAIN, OTHER (including GothicInventor) believe this is not cheating.

GI: "Why did he have to post anything at all?"

My Reply: I post the message in reply to the "new persons" message about someone offering to cheat against you. I also sent you a personal message telling you that I would remove (or edit out) my message if you also removed the part about the other offer to cheat against you. I did not want to start this "flame war". [without my post, it made it look like you were a "good" person, and the person offering to "help/cheat" look bad - where actually you both are the same - both offered to help with games and both where the offers were refused]

GI: "Why doesn't BBW post about the BrainRook membership I paid for and gave to somebody else?"

My reply: Well first I did not know about that, and second - if anyone gets on and says how you have never paid for another membership, I'll be happy to post for you.

GI: "Why doesn't BBW post about my Gothic Chess After School program which had me nominated for one of the Mayor's Awards for 2003?"

My Reply: (same answer as above)

GI: "Why doesn't BBW mention that I actually am running the only tournament on BrainKing where the winner will receive money that I personally donated to the prize fund?"

My Reply: I believe this is a good thing for brainKing, and I will be happy to see one of the tournaments to be complete. Good Job GothicInventor!

Last note: I try to post facts. When I don't post facts, I almost always try to say "in my opinion" or something like that. I have tried also to never make things personal, nor to call others names.

OK - hopefully that will be my last post on this board about this subject.


5. 1月 2004, 19:17:00
OK I have signed, I dont have enough slots to practice first, so will be bound to lose haha

5. 1月 2004, 19:09:27
Grim Reaper 
件名: Gothic Chess BrainKing Championship
Round 1 starts in 10 days.

CLICK HERE to sign up for this tournament.

5. 1月 2004, 19:07:28
I dont tend to use messages much, I have heard too much about them being twisted etc. I suppose I should have a look at trying this game out

5. 1月 2004, 18:53:28
Grim Reaper 
件名: Re:
Neutral information?

But Gothic Inventor actually started the "cheating"

That is NOT neutral!

I took no action and engaged in no cheating, yet he insists on using such nomenclature.

So it depends on if you think just having the offer of cheating is bad enough. I believe it is

There is the truth of the matter. HE BELIEVES, in his own words, that cheating took place, so he is offering his BIASED view of it.

Neutral? Like hell!

I'm sure Gothic will post the last word, and then try to stop anyone else from replying

I suppose you think that is neutral as well?

It is neutral when you take a NEW MEMBER who has joined after all this took place and then present a biased viewpoint on something that happened long ago?

Why did he have to post anything at all?

Why doesn't BBW post about the BrainRook membership I paid for and gave to somebody else?

Why doesn't BBW post about my Gothic Chess After School program which had me nominated for one of the Mayor's Awards for 2003?

Why doesn't BBW mention that I actually am running the only tournament on BrainKing where the winner will receive money that I personally donated to the prize fund?

Oh, that's right, that might upset the "neutral" posting.

5. 1月 2004, 18:44:24
Sorry, Ed, but I had to say it. I have little interest in gothic chess, but I always read the board, as I do every board here.
The way I read this, BBW offered neutral information to a new player here who didn't know what some of the posts meant. I didn't find BBW's posts insulting, just truthful facts. However I did find your posts about him insulting. Thats all I'll say. Of course you won't agree with me, and this is your board, but I didn't like to see a good man put down.

5. 1月 2004, 18:38:34
Grim Reaper 
件名: Re:
BBW has no interest in Gothic Chess at all.

He came here to post something negative as the opportunity presented itself.

The fact that others, such as yourself are here at this exact moment indicates he is directing you here to read and post on a matter that has nothing to do with Gothic Chess.

I have had to delete about a dozen posts from grievers who have nothing better to do than to sling mud.

If BBW, or anyone else, wants to bring up the past, they can send me a message.

This board is not for what you are doing right now.

5. 1月 2004, 18:35:19
Now thats really not nice. BBW is a fine man and one of the few people who will give a fair unbiased view of BOTH sides. Thats what he seems to have done here. His character shouldn't be slammed in this way.

5. 1月 2004, 17:56:12
件名: Re: Games 199729 &199726
Like I said;I came on this site so I could play Gothic Chess. Then I found Janus Chess which I also like. I have no intention of getting involved in any flame wars;I just want to have fun and play my games. I do appreciate helpful suggestions on completed games;but will not accept any advice on any of my games in progress since I consider this cheating. I believe that I must Win,Lose, or Draw on my own merits and my own moves.

5. 1月 2004, 17:53:16
Grim Reaper 
件名: Re: Answer to BBW's message below.

I created a bulletin board to deal with this person who was named danoschek. People were airing out their problems with him in great numbers.

I also knew he had "friends" who participated in that private bulletin board, so I set a trap.

I posted a message where I offered to help EVERYONE in EVERY ONE of his 200+ active games to beat him.

This got back to danoschek, and he went even crazier than before. This helped in getting him banned, which was my goal.

As you see from his rantings to you in private messages, he really is mentally unstable.

Now BBW is one of the people who actually believes I was sending 200+ moves to all of his opponents. Either that or he thinks the mere offer of helping others win is cheating.

It is a good thing BBW lacks the intelligence to understand my plan, even though I have explained it about a dozen times already. You see, he keeps saying the same thing over and over again, and people just ignore him and tune him out. Notice he has not posted on here in a great long while, but now as he has the opportunity to dredge up the past again, he does so.

I wonder why.

Now, this was not part of my original plan because I did not realize that people were that moronic. But, it works out well. He continues to stand on his little soapbox, which nobody cares about, beating his drum, calling attention to something so silly, which is a strong indication that his "real life" must be rather bleak, unfullfulling, and dull.

So, just ignore him, as I do, and many others do as well.

5. 1月 2004, 17:40:32
Grim Reaper 
件名: Re: Games 199729 &199726
There was a problem with the server accidentally causing games to time out prematurely ted, so Fencer "put the timer on pause" temporarily to resolve the problem.

When the site gets back to normal, you will collect your wins.

And, by the way, Hokuriku is also the same person who has been harassing you Ted. He is also taurec, who was banned, and danoschek, who was banned.

I suggest you ignore Hokuriku.

And as for Big Bad Wolf, he is just a "griever".

He complains about stuff that nobody cares about, so just ignore him too.

5. 1月 2004, 17:36:58
件名: of course it's up to tedbarber
to call reported news correcting
his naive impressions 'harassing'.
- probably his personal definition
that nobody else can fight.

5. 1月 2004, 17:36:46
件名: re: Games 199729 &199726
Well for 2 reasons.

1) The other person may have taken some vacation days

2) Currently because of the "new year bug" that caused some funny things with the time clock, the time clock is turned off at this site. Fencer has said it will be turned back on in the next week or 2.

5. 1月 2004, 17:32:27
件名: tedbarber
before I call it something else than an error, you should publish the message you claim to be existing.

I'm gladly willing to define for you the difference
between facts and slander, though, if you insist.

5. 1月 2004, 17:28:23
Quote: "By the way,one of his suggestions of someone offering help in games against Gothic Inventor IS CHEATING;since it would be recieving help from another person to defeat an opponant in a game in progress. This is not allowed in any tournament or correspondense game I have ever heard of."

well there is a long story here, and it is something I'm sure we don't want to go into here... But Gothic Inventor actually started the "cheating" by posting in a message board that he would offer his gaming ability to help anyone else beat another player on this site. (His point is that no one ever took him up on the offer so it was not cheating, while others think that since the offer was made - that was cheating). So it depends on if you think just having the offer of cheating is bad enough. I believe it is, others do not. I'll just give you the facts and let you decide.

I'm sure this post will be removed soon, so I'll send you a personal copy also tedbarber in case you don't get a chance to read this. I'm sure Gothic will post the last word, and then try to stop anyone else from replying - so I'll be happy to share anything else with you in private in you want, otherwise I will try not post any more about the subject in this messageboard.

5. 1月 2004, 17:23:03
件名: Re: Answer to BBW's message below.
I tried letting him know that I was not interested in his feud with Gothic Inventor;and that my reason for being on this site was to have fun and play Gothic Chess. However,he continued harassing me. I have put him on my Enemies list. By the way,one of his suggestions of someone offering help in games against Gothic Inventor IS CHEATING;since it would be recieving help from another person to defeat an opponant in a game in progress. This is not allowed in any tournament or correspondense game I have ever heard of.

5. 1月 2004, 17:10:51
件名: Games 199729 &199726
In these 2 games;each of which are 7 days per move, I made my last move in each of them on 18 December 2003. Rennchess is yet to reply; is there some reason I have not been awarded a time-out win. My main page shows he has run out of time to reply. I believe I should be awarded these games as a timeout; since it appears that he has abandoned them and timed-out. tedbarber

2. 1月 2004, 19:55:09
You can put the person on your Enemies list which I believe will hide the mail messages you see. You may also just want to reply to the person who is annoying you and say "Thanks for you suggestions about GothicInventor - I will take them into consideration while I find out more about him myself" .... which might satisfy the persons need...


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