ユーザー名: パスワード:
管理人: ScarletRose 

Whether fact or fiction ALL stories are welcome in here. Please come join in the fun!

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

28. 1月 2005, 00:17:17
件名: Loss of Innocence
It was Christmas Eve 1977, when my platoon was sent to Bethlehem to help calm
the unrest that had started a week previous. The thought of policing demonstrators
disturbing worship at the Church of The Nativity was not something we were looking
foward to...
let the local cops or military police handle it. It was not the first
time we were assigned such duty, twice before we were sent into the Rafah refugee
camp in the Gaza Strip, so we knew what to expect.
To our surprise things went smoother than we anticipated and with the help of
the local clergy, we were able to disperse the crowd without firing a shot.
As things quieted down, we allowed the worshippers to enter the church. It was
close to midnight and we were about to return to our base.
As I exited the church, I bumped into a nun, knocking her down.
I extended my hand, apologizing as I helped her to her feet. She was black and
from her accent I could tell she was British. As she thanked me, she smiled and
I looked into her eyes. I stared at her amazed...her eyes were dark brown, but
what gripped me was the light in them. I had never seem anything as wonderful as
that light. It was love, joy, compassion...understanding.
Embarrased, I broke my gaze and lowered my eyes, now fixing on the cross that
hung from her neck.
"That is beautiful!" I said.
She reached down and removed it from around her neck..
"Here" she said, extending her arm, offering it me.
"No, I cant take that" I said, my eyes now fixing on her's again.
She then took my left hand, put the cross in it closing my fingers, still holding
my hand in her's she told me.."G-d wants you to have this". I was instantly
aware of a warmth washing over me, and could not speak as she nodded, walking
past me into the church. I looked down, opening my hand I looked again at the
cross's simple beauty. I put it in the left pocket of my parka, zipping it while I
trotted to the truck that would take us back to base.

Just over a month had passed. It was Friday, I had finished my medical training
as a squad medic and had recieved my transfer orders. I was packing to go home
for the weekend when i heard the news..a busload of tourists traveling the coastal
route had been attacked by Mr. Arafat's PLO. All 30 plus of it's passengers were
killed as the terrorsts blew themselves up, praising Allah no doubt.
When all leaves were canceled, I kinda knew what was coming next.
Growing tiresome of the continuous rocket attacks on it's northern settlements
from within Lebanon, the Israeli government was looking for an excuse to widen
it's "buffer zone" in the southern part of that country.
An area occupied by the Lebanese Christian Militia, it extended from the Mediterranian
Sea to the Syrian border and was supported completely by the Israeli Govt.
Every weapon, tank, uniform, rations and even salaries were subsidized by Israel.
It was in their best interest to do so.
And so, that friday night my unit was mobilized..sent north to await further orders.

~aN eXcERpt fROm My MeMoiRz~

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