Foxy Lady: Mary Mary quite contary oops! Still getting tomatoes but not half as many as last year. If I knew how to post a pic of the garden via a link to here I would. Anyone any ideas how to do it?
Foxy Lady: Hiya! Unfortunately I have an aversion to sending pics in e-mail lol and I have not got a link to send to you or Groucho either, I could just post it here if I had. I will work something out. Thanks very much! Okey dokey lets see if this works
Mousetrap: I am just playing about with this to get used to it. I added a view of front garden but the front belongs to downstairs. Took that link off here as I added a pic of myself at a request of someone and I,m sure you do not wish to see my ugly mouse mug as it is not pretty lol so the link is now as below
ajtgirl: These were in the camera, I forgot they were there. Only 3 pics added to same album but it looks different in winter. Well crikey! Would you beleive that? It worked the first time I tryed it but it does,nt now okey dokey. I just refreshed the link and so far it is working.
I give up, I found out what is causing it, the source keeps changing and adding extra letters, every time I delete what should not be there it works for a while then the extra letters appear in the source and I get a server error. Never mind.
Time to plant BULBS everyone! I bought some Tahiti Daffodils, Forbessi Blue Chionodoxa, Gladiator and Ivory Queen Allium, Muscari and Anemone
It helps me get through the New England winter knowing I have something to look forward to in the early spring. It's like a little gift when they come up.
ajtgirl: If it does,nt work the first time give it a few attempts, it is doing the same thing to me, sometimes it works sometimes I get errors. I don,t think its the link I think its something to do with that site.
Foxy Lady:That is so true. I like beefsteak, as the name suggest big and large. Foxy question for you when you fry up your green tomatoes do you slice them or just quarter them?
Foxy Lady: We can still plant stuff here. I'm doing some research on what to plant in the fall. I'm talking about shrubbry and flowering things (as a barrier between properties). I have a lot to learn because I really don't bother knowing about plants and other growing things. I'm going to do my first every cherry tree pruning in a few weeks too ;)