How do I protect my Roses? They are in a well drained area where they get plenty of water, sun & shade. Now every spring they start growing wonderfully but after a a few months, the spots start appearing & nothing blooms or anything. Would I have to get a sprayer & spray everything around them & what is the best remendy to use?
Bernice: When I do water, it is at the base & pick up all the leaves when they do fall or I just clipped off the entire branch. When the branch starts growing again, the leaves would be coming in thicker & even the buds starts coming in as well. Right when the buds are about to blossom, then the spots start up again. I have other roses in different gardens ( have 7 other 1's) & nothing happens to them at all. Just the 3 that are in a great place. I have to look up black spot spray to see where I can get it tho..TY for the info!