The games have reached the point where it starts to be worthwile to watch. This one is the standard or diagonal start. All moves available to Hrqls at this point (for move 3) are the same. It doesn't matter where he moves; my response will be the same. The next half dozen moves will probably follow standard published openings. I'll say something if we deviate. This one is the non-standard or straight start. I chose my starting move (move 3) simply because I find it easier to dominate by going diagonal, therefore I went straight, in hopes that Hrqls will take the diagonal and end up dominating (for now). ;-) I haven't had much luck finding published openings for this start, but the same concepts apply here as in the diagonal start.
(verberg) Zin in een vlugge partij die gegarandeerd binnen 2 uur klaar is? Zet dan in de gewenste spelsoort een nieuwe partij op en stel de tijd in op 0 dagen / 1 uur, de extra tijd op 0 dagen / 0 uur en de limiet op 0 dagen / 1 uur. (TeamBundy) (laat alle tips zien)