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gborland: you think? I mean come on...if the new version of BK suppossedly will have a new version...must mean it has to be fixed first! its been over 5 monthes since we first heard this crap, I'm just wondering how many more monthes will it take to get the poker program functioning properly so we can play this game bug free? and if its already fixed...why cant it be implemented before the entire site reboots to this 3.0 version?
Bwild: Because it's my site and my decision. I have very good reasons. If you are not happy here, you are free to play elsewhere, instead of useless posting about "crap".
Onderwerp: Re:instead of useless posting about "crap".
Fencer: I do play elsewhere and for free!! I also have a paid membership at YOUR site. I have a right to voice my concerns about bugs in YOUR site. Is it so much to ask for a senseable response, as to when YOUR site is without these annoying bugs? Your site has many intros to Your poker section,and quite frankly, its deceiving because Your site is full of bugs! You know Filip, if you'd answer people when they ask, they'd not have to re-ask, and finally get upset.
Onderwerp: Re:instead of useless posting about "crap".
Bwild: So what? Can't you just live with it? Please don't take it THAT seriously, it's just a game. Yes, you have a right to voice your concerns. And I have a right to ignore them.
Bwild: Of course I do. And before I start to call you names you won't like, let me make one more attempt of, er, explanation:
1) Paid membership is not mandatory, nobody is forced to pay here to play. Especially poker is (and always will be) free for all. 2) The page of membership level benefits clearly specifies what you get when you decide to upgrade. It says nothing about our duty to fix all possible bugs, add new features or discuss with people who don't want to accept the site rules.
I am sure it is clear enough for everyone, mostly because it is not the first time I post this kind of response. No more off topic responses here, please.
Fencer: And before I start to call you names you won't like,
off topic? I ask about the status of your so called 3.0 version of bk,which according to your previous posts, will include no bugs in the poker program, and I'm off topic?? Its quite obvious you have no intention on any immediate repairs, nor do you care about much of anything once you have taken our money. enjoy mine while you can.
(verberg) Als u op iemands naam klikt en vervolgens op Beëindigde partijen dan ziet u een lijst met al zijn of haar beëindigde partijen in alle spelsoorten. Door vervolgens op een spelsoort te klikken krijgt u de informatie te zien van alle partijen in die spelsoort. Als u hier op een uitslag klikt krijgt u de partij te zien en kunt deze naar believen analyseren (tenzij de spelers ervoor gekozen hebben de partij "privé" te houden). (Servant) (laat alle tips zien)