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I know you just gave an answer to this Fencer. But, I really think they should be forced. There is a checkbox to sit out the next round, so that is their out without having to lose a blind. Otherwise, it is too easy for a player to manipulate the system and never post a blind.
I know...Blinds are so small anyway. But I'm hoping for bigger blinds when the "test" phase is over. When it is their turn to post a blind...simply stand up...then sit back down after the deal (skip a hand or two)...You can then play with never having to post a blind. Of course, players can always do this, but its harder if blinds are forced.
Summertop: maybe if it becomes an issue, an idea is maybe make it where if someone leaves a table, they can't get back in the game for 5 minutes or something.
Summertop:Its always possible to do that in sit&go tables, even with auto blinds, you can check "sit out next round" when blinds are coming to you. But its so ridiculous, i dont think lot of people would do that..