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All aboard for this blockbuster Backgammon tournament which begins August 27. All are welcome and Seats are unlimited so come one come all and it would be nice for the Backgammon-lovers among us to come out of the woodwork and make this a tournament to remember. Just who IS the best Backgammon expert out there when the pressure is on? Perhaps he/she has never played and is just waiting to discover the game!!! No prisoners will be taken. TNP
This is shaping up to be a fine tournament indeed. 30 have signed up so far and seats are available. Deadline is Aug 27. Join us as we discover who really IS the Backgammon champ. TNP
One week away from the Big Bash! 35 have already signed up and this promises to be a Killer of a Backgammon tournament. Get a seat while you can. And remember to Take No Prisoners!
Deadline is August 17, just two days away! We have 38 participants so far which already makes a whopping good tournament but late-comers are welcome so please sign up if you get the urge. TNP
3 days left until the KM Backgammon Open deadline. 46 so far will be participating in this Backgammon super splash and all comers are welcome so I urge you to join the fun. :o)
Last day to sign up!!!! We have 51 entered which makes this a grand tournament indeed. Hope to see a few stragglers come in before the door closes. Any & all welcome. :o)
It is up and running! You should see your games on your Main Page. Good luck everyone!!! 57 entered so this is a biggie. Looking forward to the outcome. :o)
(verberg) U kunt instellen naar welke pagina of naar welke partij u automatisch wilt gaan na het doen van een zet door één van de mogelijkheden achter de zetknoppen te kiezen. (pauloaguia) (laat alle tips zien)