Hrqls: As I said, I am a lowly pawn, who, as "valuable" as I may be to the existence of BK (by way of numerical majority) I am not that valuable as to warrant special treatment like paying members are. I have found that several times when I made other fair-play-related pleas... I was met with the usual "yes, pawns are important, but we can't help you - pay for membership for more help".
Therefore, while that stance is still valid, I will have to use my only advantage - not accepting draws when I can still win, whatever the circumstances, and accept losses for the same reasons.
(verberg) Wanneer u geïnteresseerd bent in de voortgang van een toernooi dat u speelt, dan kunt u dit bespreken met uw tegenstanders op het forum van het toernooi. (HelenaTanein) (laat alle tips zien)