Hrqls: That's a definite drop, in my opinion, I halfway agree with playBunny that, in essence, your opponent may have been doing you a favor by offering. Had I been your opponent, though, I probably would have offered, for two reasons:
1.) I'm 20 points behind in pip count, which means you're going to have a decent chance to bear at least one off even if I get you stuck on the bar for a while. So chances for gammon aren't good, I would say.
2.) If I didn't know you, I would double because many players on this site will accept a double based on pip count alone, regardless of position, so that doubling and gammoning may not be mutually exclusive here. Against a bad cube player, there's a chance to win 4 here. Now, since I have played you, Hrqls, I know you are a careful and patient player, which would make me less likely to double in this spot for the same reason. But if I hadn't played you before, this would be my thought process.
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