silly or not.. that's the way it is here....i've been keeping track of my moves for a while now and here's what i get...out of 163 gammon moves i've gotten 22 doubles of those.. 2 were 6's...163 moves and 2 sets of 6's.!!!....4 were 5's...5 were 4's and the rest was just to make it look like i get doubles as somebody scrolls down my game moves...also out of 163 moves i've gotten 75 moves that were 1-2...1-3...or 1-4......i hope whoever's screwing with my dice gets tired of it soon....can't you find something else to do..??!! about fixing the site..!!'s strange when i have games to make moves in the site all of a sudden screws up and dam near runs backwards it stutters around so much.....but if i don't have any game to send it runs fine....i can click this and that and have no problems at all but as soon as a game is sent to me ..boom...there's the stuttering back again.....who's idea of fun is that...i call it aggravating and i'd sure never pay somebody for a crap site like this..!!
(verberg) Als u op iemands naam klikt en vervolgens op Beëindigde partijen dan ziet u een lijst met al zijn of haar beëindigde partijen in alle spelsoorten. Door vervolgens op een spelsoort te klikken krijgt u de informatie te zien van alle partijen in die spelsoort. Als u hier op een uitslag klikt krijgt u de partij te zien en kunt deze naar believen analyseren (tenzij de spelers ervoor gekozen hebben de partij "privé" te houden). (Servant) (laat alle tips zien)