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-- I posted this in the Feature requests board, but thought I would post it here so it would give room for people to talk about it. Here is a copy of the post:
I have a couple of ideas for a couple of game variations that I would like to see.
1. Dark Backgammon Race (or Regular/Nack/Crowded?)
- Basicly just like regular backgammon. You don't see ANY place that you don't have your own piece, so you will never be "blocked" and allowed to move to any place.
Now when you move to a place that is open, your piece stays there. If you move to a place that only has 1 opponent piece, you take it like normal gammon. If you move to a place that has 2 or more oppenent pieces, your piece will be placed back to the bar like it was taken out.
So this game would involve a lot more strategy - making you want to set up many places of 2 or more pieces to take away your opponents pieces when they land on you.
I believe this would be better as Dark Battleboats Race. Also I'm debating if it would be good to hide the opponents dice or not.
2nd game idea!
2. Backgammon Attack.
- Basicly it is the same as Backgammon, but with the rule that you can also win once you land and move your oppenets piece to the bar for the 10th time. I also think this would be good as Backgammon Race Attack - since then you could try to keep many of your own pieces in your own bar to come out and "attack" unprotected pieces that have been places in your area.
the dark backgammon sounds a good idea ... but i think it would be a really long game with the pieces going back to the bar all the time also in regular backgammon you can change your mind about your move that bit would have to be disabled
(verberg) Als u op iemands naam klikt en vervolgens op Beëindigde partijen dan ziet u een lijst met al zijn of haar beëindigde partijen in alle spelsoorten. Door vervolgens op een spelsoort te klikken krijgt u de informatie te zien van alle partijen in die spelsoort. Als u hier op een uitslag klikt krijgt u de partij te zien en kunt deze naar believen analyseren (tenzij de spelers ervoor gekozen hebben de partij "privé" te houden). (Servant) (laat alle tips zien)