U hebt geen toestemming om berichten op dit forum achter te laten. Het minimaal vereiste lidmaatschap om berichten op dit forum achter te mogen laten is Brain Pion.
I would like to inform you about a serious bug in Czech Checkers I discovered when playing one of my games. In fact, BrainKing allows users to play illegal moves! Here is an example:
Although my opponent had to play 16. h2xf4 (the only legal move according to the rules), the system let him play 16. b2-c3 instead of it. I really don't know how is it possible and whether it is only a problem in Czech Checkers or in several other variants of Checkers too. I have never seen a similar bug in my Checkers games so far.
The bug has already been resolved - Fencer cancelled that illegal move! We must hope that it was only a rare exception and that the same problem won't arise in the future again ... :-)))
(verberg) Genoeg ervan om steeds 2 of 3 keer te moeten klikken om op een bepaalde pagina te komen? Betalende leden kunnen zo´n pagina aan hun Contextmenu toevoegen. (pauloaguia) (laat alle tips zien)