U hebt geen toestemming om berichten op dit forum achter te laten. Het minimaal vereiste lidmaatschap om berichten op dit forum achter te mogen laten is Brain Pion.
Why Walter? If I proofread what I wrote, and corrected every tiny typing error, then you would actually have to address my points instead of childishly criticizing something insignificant like my typing skills. Why would you want that?
This is interesting. Just to humor you, I reread my post-- There are no spelling errros, and maybe four or five careless capitalization errors. So what exactly is the problem? Are you having trouble understanding what I was saying because I incorrectly capitalized the FIrst two letters of a word somewhere? Please try to stay on topic, it really shows that you have no basis for your argument if all you can do it point out a couple of petty errors in my typing. I claim to be an expert pente player, but you'l notice I make no such claim about my typing skills. I have painful wrists from using the computer too much, so I am happy just to type the message at all without too much discomfort.
(verberg) Als u meer over bepaalde spelsoorten wilt weten, kunt u naar de Linkspagina gaan en kijken of u daar interessante sites ziet staan. (pauloaguia) (laat alle tips zien)