U hebt geen toestemming om berichten op dit forum achter te laten. Het minimaal vereiste lidmaatschap om berichten op dit forum achter te mogen laten is Brain Pion.
May I direct everyone's attention to the Small Pente discussion post board. Satan has stepped into the middle of the running debate about the move restriction and board size without having been aware of the posts made here or at the Tournament Discussion place a month or two ago. Amazing how he sums up Dmitri!
Walter, you are acting like a fool. Satan Summed me up because he and I have had many hours of communication with each other at IYT and DSG (as friends), not because he has some marverlous insight into my thinking or my ideas.
I don't agree with what he says, and I thought his tone was a bit unpleasant, but I know that he isn't just trying to ignite a flame war, wihch is what you seem to be doing.
(verberg) Indien u iemand in zijn of haar moedertaal wilt begroeten, kunt u gebruik maken van ons Spelerswoordenboek welke u kunt vinden via de "meer over de talen"-link onder de vlaggen rechtsboven in uw scherm. (pauloaguia) (laat alle tips zien)