i really hate those keyboards without an insert key at the right place :)
i also hate it that i have 2 keyboards at home .. one with insert,home, pageup and below that delete,end,page down and below that power,sleep,wake
while on the other keyboards i have printscreen,scroll lock,pause and below insert,home,pageup and below delete,end,page down
so the delete key has been shifted one row down .. therefore i always miss it when i am on the other keyboard :)
i dont use the quick launch keys .. most of those functions i dont use or i access about as fast via another way (although i sometimes do use the volume key on there)
but it seems my keyboard is working again .. i cant find any flaws anymore :( ... which means i cant allow myself to buy the wireless stuff :)
(patrially because i have a logitech mouse with softgrip and thumb button ... i love the thumb button .. and i love the soft grip .. so far i havent seen any mouse with those 2 combined .. and i cant bring myself to lose one of those 2 features :))
(verberg) Als u op uw beurt aan het wachten bent en niet steeds op F5 wilt blijven drukken kunt u ook de pagina snel automatisch laten vernieuwen door op "Verander" naast "Verversen" te drukken op de Hoofdpagina, en de tijd hier in te stellen op bijvoorbeeld 30 seconden. (Servant) (laat alle tips zien)