Welcome to the Diet Board. This is the place for anyone wanting advice, support or just to meet other people trying to live a healthy lifestyle and lose weight too!
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Aangepast door nightmagic (18. september 2006, 05:37:48)
with any and every meal, cuts your hunger in 1/2. eat small salad before any meal, cut meat portion into 4ths, eat 1/4 and cut starch in 1/2. as a dinner, for a lunch, a lean cousine tray and a fruit. I lost 2 plus pounds a week. Only back meats. no butter, no bread, no suger anything.
Aangepast door nightmagic (20. september 2006, 05:29:45)
Rose: by back meats i mean white meat chichen, shoulder roast, center cut pork, all with no fat, cut all fat off, brown in olive oil not reg. oil, tinny bit oil, or bake, no fry.