Land-Sea-Air, Land on this board and Sea for yourself what is going on in the motoring world and Air your views. Also ask for advice.
U hebt geen toestemming om berichten op dit forum achter te laten. Het minimaal vereiste lidmaatschap om berichten op dit forum achter te mogen laten is Brain Paard.
and don't forget the right equipment! the front-loop gave instead of the driver giving! kinda like the crush-zones the engineers design! if i was racing for points this year, we coulda made it drivable tonight!
Stevie: he managed to get a "little" loose off the 4rth turn, found the concrete wall on the front-stretch (rims,tire and flattened right side of car) was trying to get to the pits (pit entrance is off of turn 2) another car was trying to pass him on the outside, he got clipped and fount the inside wall on turn 2! that got the front end of the car! you have toi remember that he's driving in a class that is only kids! it was his first wreck! lol i hope it's his last! he did manage to drive it back to the pits! or should i say limp it back!
Stevie: are we the only two on this site that actually do something in the performance world, and not just drool over pics and specs of what everyone else is doing? not meant to get on anyone, but it would be nice to hear about what anyone else is doing!
I'm still working on my project car. I've got a '69 Pontiac GTO that i'm restoring. Give me a few more months and the monster wil be reborn. I'm eyeing a 502 create motor for it....
I just installed 2 500EFI's in a '42 Lightning (Fountain Boats)
these are 502 blocks with hp rods,pistons,crane roller cam,roller lifters,rocker arms,and a tunnel ram intake.
one engine sounded great...the other had a loose lifter. Mercruiser Raceing autherized me to readjust(had to cut a security tab) and I found # 8 intake lifter would not compress.
I ordered 2 new lifters,and 1 wouldnt compress,and th other barely would. that one I installed,and still rocker arm noise. Mercruiser Racing then sent me 2 more lifters,and nieher of them would compress.the adjustment on a new hydrolic roller cam is zero clearance and 1 full turn.hard to do with a non-compressable lifter.So the guys in Fondulac were going to send me another engine.I decided to dis assemble the lifter...dumped the cleaning solvent out of compressed!!...reinstalled and redjusted the lifters...VROOM!! problem solved.
Backoff: i doubt you could do any worse than jeremy did a couple of weeks ago! from the damge he did to the car he must've been one hurting kid! good thing he's a teenager and damned near indestrustable! lol
I'm lookin for a website that can give me some info (either general on yr/make or specific to VIN nos.) for looking up used cars - everything I've found so far costs - any suggestions ??? Thanx :)
being a car lover,I couldn't help but notice the lyrics to this song I heard lately"car song" by elastica.
the lyrics are here,just thought I would share it with other motor fans.
(verberg) Verliest u steeds partijen omdat uw tijd op was? Betalende leden kunnen de Automatische Vakantie inschakelen waardoor er altijd voor u een vakantiedag opgegeven wordt op het moment dat uw tijd anders op zou zijn geweest in een partij. (pauloaguia) (laat alle tips zien)