Discuss about checkers game or find new opponents. No insulting, baiting or flaming other players. Off topic posts are subject to deletion and if it persists the poster faces sanctions. This board is for checkers.
U hebt geen toestemming om berichten op dit forum achter te laten. Het minimaal vereiste lidmaatschap om berichten op dit forum achter te mogen laten is Brain Pion.
11-15 23-19, 8-11 22-17, 9-13 17-14, 10-17 21-14, 15-18 26-23, 13-17 31-26, 17-21 25-22, 18-25 29-22, 11-16 22-17, 4-8 14-10. (I will post the next ten moves tomorrow)
7-14 17-10, 6-15 19-10, 8-11 24-20, 5-9 28-24, 9-13 23-18, 2-6 18-14, 6-15 14-10, 16-19 32-28 12-16 26-22 (you can see the terrific jockeying for position) I will post some more moves tomorrow.
I've gone over this game a couple of times and agree it is fascinating, with some incredible play along the way. One of the most brilliant middle games manuevers to me was White's sacrificing a man on move 33 (and thus being down a man to Chinook!!! - nearly always fatal) in order to position a man on 10. White got his man back 7 moves later (move 40) and terrific play followed but, as Chief said, 30-26 did the trick on move 50 and from there Black suffered a slow & agonizing death. If, that is, computers suffer like us humans do in similar circumstances. LOL Thanks Chief!!!
George Miller who resides on top of Bank's Ladder tells me that he uses a method of playing from man down to cramp most programs. He jams his pieces on the lower left side and the programs don't recognize that their options start shrinking with each move. It's very tricky business and not for the squeemish because a single mistake and you lose but Miller seems to have it mastered.
(verberg) Als u op iemands naam klikt en vervolgens op Beëindigde partijen dan ziet u een lijst met al zijn of haar beëindigde partijen in alle spelsoorten. Door vervolgens op een spelsoort te klikken krijgt u de informatie te zien van alle partijen in die spelsoort. Als u hier op een uitslag klikt krijgt u de partij te zien en kunt deze naar believen analyseren (tenzij de spelers ervoor gekozen hebben de partij "privé" te houden). (Servant) (laat alle tips zien)