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this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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28. februar 2010, 22:54:32
The Col 
Emne: Re:
Tuesday: girls have always cost more, in my experience...........turning my feral girl into a cuddle puss, is one of my joys

14. august 2009, 22:43:41
The Col 
Emne: Re: It's a catcoon

30. april 2009, 18:00:44
The Col 
Emne: Re: Molly is now a confirmed diabetic
ScarletRose: I'm coming to terms with it, it's not a death sentence, but will require lots of discipline.One of the people from the feline diabetes messege board spent an hour on the phone with me yesterday discussing so many aspects of the situation,what a tribute to her late cat.People can be so helpful and kind in situations such as this, cuz I really didn't have a clue.I will be looking to have Molly taken off the pills and put on the insulin immediatly.I learned that the pills virtually squeeze out all the insulin they can from the pancreas,making it work extra hard.The insulin provides a break for the pancreas,giving it time to heal , regenerate and possibly allow the cat to stop taking insulin at some point.Yes Scarlet,diet will be important,we're going to go to a raw diet.I'm learning so much,and everybody has been so helpful

29. april 2009, 22:55:31
The Col 
Emne: Molly is now a confirmed diabetic
I'm pretty busted up and emotional about it,she's only a kid(7)

but it is what it is,and if insulin injections are needed,so be it, right now we are going to try and regulate her with Glyburide pills,5mg twice a day.In a month her doc will see if she needs the twice daily insulin.If any of you find yourself in this situation you may feel the need for a support network,I know I do,so I just joined this messege board

If you want to share,my profile name is Molly's dad

I feel I owe it to Molly to be as informed as possible

take care

21. mars 2009, 21:27:08
The Col 
Emne: Pit bull kills two ponies, hurts another
Modifisert av The Col (21. mars 2009, 21:27:34)

5. februar 2009, 01:52:40
The Col 
Emne: This is beautiful,I'm determined to decipher the language
Modifisert av The Col (5. februar 2009, 01:53:29)

23. januar 2009, 01:35:08
The Col 
Emne: Re: But at least they TRIED to help him ..... true?
anastasia: That would be a great idea,yearlings can be so brittle,but the big money is in the 2 and 3 year old racing years

21. januar 2009, 22:09:25
The Col 
Emne: Re: But at least they TRIED to help him ..... true?
wetware: If the synthetic track is to blame,they should scrap it.Every precaution for the horses safety should be made.

13. januar 2009, 15:54:52
The Col 
Emne: When Panda's attack

20. desember 2008, 00:56:11
The Col 
Emne: Your friday smile

19. desember 2008, 02:31:31
The Col 
Emne: I held my two girls extra close when this news hit
Modifisert av The Col (20. desember 2008, 00:55:29)
By Tamsyn Burgmann, The Canadian Press

OSHAWA, Ont. - Animal protection workers are mourning the loss of at least 160 cats which perished early Wednesday in a fire east of Toronto. Firefighters, who were called to the Durham Humane Society in Oshawa, Ont., just after 2:30 a.m., arrived to find the building fully engulfed in flames. Emergency workers entered the building and rescued nine dogs, two cats and one rat, but scores of other animals succumbed to smoke inhalation, said Durham Region police.
"It's tragic that so many animals lost their lives so close to the holidays, where there was probably a good chance some of them would have found homes," said Ian McConachie, a spokesperson for the Toronto Humane Society. McConachie said the workers, volunteers and supporters of the Oshawa facility are very emotional and distraught following the loss.
"It's always sad to lose an animal, to lose almost 200 is just unthinkable," he said. Alison Cross, a spokesperson for the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, called the event "devastating." "Their life's work is towards animals and helping animals and unfortunately this tragic fire has destroyed that," she said. "They spend their lives taking care of these animals and something like this is really heartbreaking to see and hear." The Ontario Fire Marshal is investigating the cause of the fire, which hasn't yet been determined, said police. The surviving animals were first taken for treatment at a Whitby, Ont., animal hospital and are now being housed at Oshawa Animal Services Clinic. Investigators are still tabulating the exact number of cats who died. The Ontario SPCA, which is affiliated with the Oshawa facility, will assist with cleaning up, removing and properly disposing of the dead cats' bodies. It will also help the branch become operational again. Cross said the society will be following up with the fire investigations team. "We definitely look to preventing this in the future, because animal protection is our number one priority and we never want to see anything like this again." In August 2006, the Ontario SPCA's Midland and District Branch was destroyed in a fire caused by a lightning strike. More than 30 animals were saved, while 29 perished. A subsequent fundraising campaign saw a new $1-million facility built as a result. Damage to the Oshawa building is estimated at $250,000. The Ontario SPCA is accepting financial donations at 1-888-ONT-SPCA ext. 323 or via

16. desember 2008, 19:48:54
The Col 
Emne: Re:
anastasia: well that kinda eliminates it from being a feel good story

16. desember 2008, 19:17:52
The Col 
Emne: Re: VP's new pup
anastasia: from an animal shelter?

6. desember 2008, 09:48:19
The Col 
Emne: Amazing video of dog saving another injured dog
on a busy highway in Chile........and it's not even Lassie

2. desember 2008, 22:03:10
The Col 
Emne: a pitbull and cat cuddling

2. desember 2008, 00:41:40
The Col 
Emne: Re:
anastasia: re:"walk around like YOU are the Queen of your house"

like this?

29. november 2008, 05:54:13
The Col 
Emne: Re:
anastasia: Has it been determined why they do it?

29. november 2008, 04:10:21
The Col 
Emne: Re:
anastasia: You got me intrigued about the "screaming" I'm familiar with barking,but I was trying to imagine a dog screaming unless in pain......was it similar to this fella?

29. november 2008, 00:49:56
The Col 
Emne: Re: really interesting,animals can laugh out loud
Tuesday: ...go over and put your shoes on...pick up your keys and walk to the door about 5 times while it loads,it's worth it

29. november 2008, 00:33:36
The Col 
Emne: really interesting,animals can laugh out loud

28. november 2008, 11:04:59
The Col 
Emne: Really cool story,get em young and raise em right!

26. november 2008, 21:13:55
The Col 
Emne: One of my fave movies,it was on last night

22. november 2008, 06:33:26
The Col 
Emne: Re: to mutt or not to mutt
Jim Dandy: A clarification is needed regarding my comments regarding "mutts" I was speaking of the runt of a litter,a mutt is not the same,sorry for any confusion

21. november 2008, 10:34:49
The Col 
Emne: Re: to mutt or not to mutt
anastasia: I'm speaking of when they are babies.With some love and nurturing they blossom

21. november 2008, 01:27:18
The Col 
Emne: Re: to mutt or not to mutt
Artful Dodger: We always went for the mutt,the more "undersized and shaking in the corner" the better,and I must say they all turned out great.

18. november 2008, 00:02:24
The Col 
Emne: This stuff is so counter productive
PARIS (AP) — U.S. actress Lindsay Lohan has been pelted with a flour bomb on arrival at a Paris nightclub wearing a fur stole.

Animal rights activists showered the 22-year-old actress with flour when she went to the VIP Room Theater in the early hours of Saturday with her friend, disc jockey Samantha Ronson.

The owner of the nightclub helped Lohan dust off her blue sequined dress and black stole before she posed on the red carpet. Ronson went on to spin tracks for a crowd that included reggae rapper Shaggy and "I Kissed a Girl" singer Katy Perry.

16. november 2008, 20:39:00
The Col 
Emne: Re: I've decided on......
Tuesday: but I love irony

14. november 2008, 05:04:00
The Col 
Emne: I've decided on......
a name for my future dog(if I ever actually get one)
OLD YELLER,now should it actually be simply "YELLER" until he reaches his golden years?
or can I go with OLD YELLER from a pup,and still avoid any misunderstandings and countless hours of explanations?

I'd appreciate any input

9. november 2008, 19:31:14
The Col 
Emne: This is a fascinating story

7. november 2008, 06:36:06
The Col 
Emne: Re: another dog bites someone
anastasia: I guess Barney is a Republican

5. november 2008, 00:14:22
The Col 
Emne: Re:Miss Piggy gets jiggy with Kermit
Tuesday: Would the offspring be called a "frig"

4. november 2008, 23:12:57
The Col 
I wonder if we'll soon be extracting the needed dna from historical figures such as Jim Henson,the muppets have been in a tail spin since his passing

4. november 2008, 17:10:09
The Col 
Emne: Frankenmouse?

4. november 2008, 14:51:52
The Col 
Emne: Re:
anastasia: Leave it to a couple of Canadians to expose the.......

4. november 2008, 14:13:35
The Col 
Emne: Re:
Tuesday: I wonder if PETA were visible at any of her rallys?

29. oktober 2008, 14:15:25
The Col 
Emne: Re: The PETA video
anastasia: I'm not entirely sure that animals don't get a thrill out of abusing other animals,how do we know?

Now that doesn't validate the sickening abuses that have been brought to light over the years by folks like PETA,but I'm not so closed minded as to think animals are not capable of similar thoughts and behavior,who can say for certain?

28. oktober 2008, 22:59:14
The Col 
Emne: Re: The PETA video
anastasia: How do you know animals
" don't abuse each other and joke about it before hand"

I'm pretty sure both of my cats get into : mischievous moods and try and get under the other one's skin from time to time,though they have never verbally stated it to me,or anyone else to my knowledge.

Humans are humans,and animals are animals,it's all perspective.Why does the Preying Mantis get a free pass for this carnage?

24. oktober 2008, 23:45:33
The Col 
Emne: Re: The PETA video
Modifisert av The Col (27. oktober 2008, 11:37:54)
Tuesday: Is there laws against frying ants with a magnifying glass?

I just wondered if insects have any protection legally,and if not,why?

I'm not trying to be funny,I just wonder how the "line" is determined as to protection legally.

I wonder if there are similar groups such as these concerned with insects?

19. oktober 2008, 23:51:08
The Col 
Emne: Re:
Tuesday: What a great organisation,Lurch is saving lives,I'll bet he's spoiled rotten

16. oktober 2008, 14:01:24
The Col 
Emne: Re:
Tuesday: Is that place the animal version of "The Land Of Misfit Toys"?

8. oktober 2008, 21:12:48
The Col 
Emne: Re:
Tuesday: Thanks for the very indepth link

(Small Dog Syndrome - Dog believes he is the pack leader to humans) aint that the truth

3. oktober 2008, 23:38:08
The Col 
Emne: We're considering adopting
A 5 month old male Bichon Havanese,does anyone have any experience with this breed?
he would have to get along with his 2 new sisters who are older cats,I hear the Bichon Havanese usually is pretty good with cats

29. september 2008, 01:09:53
The Col 
Emne: Re: Over the top?
Tuesday: not sure,but genetically we are closer to pigs,I suppose pigs milk is our most logical substitute

29. september 2008, 00:48:48
The Col 
Emne: Re: Over the top?
Tuesday: Who was the guy who decided to give cow milk a try?

I'll bet he pondered presenting his discovery for a few days

29. september 2008, 00:17:29
The Col 
Emne: Over the top?
PEOPLE for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has urged US ice cream makers Ben & Jerry's Homemade to replace cow's milk in ice cream products with breast milk.

"PETA's request comes in the wake of news reports that a Swiss restaurant owner will begin purchasing breast milk from nursing mothers and substituting breast milk for 75 per cent of the cow's milk in the food he serves," the animal rights group said

PETA officials say a move to breast milk would lessen the suffering of dairy cows and their calves on factory farms and benefit human health.

"The fact that human adults consume huge quantities of dairy products made from milk that was meant for a baby cow just doesn't make sense," PETA spokeswoman Tracy Reiman said.

"Everyone knows that the breast is best, so, Ben & Jerry's could do consumers and cows a big favour by making the switch to breast milk."

Ben & Jerry's said: "We applaud PETA's novel approach to bringing attention to an issue, but we believe a mother's milk is best used for her child."

21. september 2008, 19:22:15
The Col 
Emne: Re:
Tuesday: How's Shiloh's breath?

20. september 2008, 06:36:00
The Col 
Emne: Re: Should Polar Bears be taken off the endangered list?
Tuesday: Canadians hit home runs batting baby seals,we're no better,but you sure wouldn't want to flash it around at election time,that's where I'm confused

20. september 2008, 06:24:17
The Col 
Emne: Re: Should Polar Bears be taken off the endangered list?
Tuesday: I love Americans to death,so much of my youth was spent there,you're my brothers and sisters,but Annie Oakley is so 1800's

20. september 2008, 06:16:00
The Col 
Emne: Re: Should Polar Bears be taken off the endangered list?
Tuesday: Who do you have to piss off,to be taken off the endangered list?

20. september 2008, 05:57:50
The Col 
Emne: Should Polar Bears be taken off the endangered list?
The only reason this was brought to mind,was because it was mentioned regarding Alaska Gov Palin,I heard she wants them taken off the list

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