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Had a storm last night and when my dogs went out after rain stopped, they got hold of a frog and wound up very sick. Does anyone know if those toad frogs are poison or what?
Dolittle: My husband is of all things very anal about keeping our dog away from toads and frogs too..he said thay will make him sick if he eats one...Maybe call your vet? are they vomiting?
anastasia: it was a toad..we get them in our yard a lot, especially after a rain. my ShihTzu bit into it but didn't eat it..within just a few minutes she was gagging and had froth on her mouth. she vomited several times during the night but seems ok now..I am in Oklahoma!!
Lamby: Thanks, she seems ok now but they found another big frog in the yard today. I had to go out and get it out of the yard..don't want to kill them. There is no way to keep them out!
Dolittle: Trainer just told us today that all frogs are poisonous to dogs..even if they don't eat them.when they bite down on them they will release a poison
anastasia:Thanks for that info, I have been checking online and could only find that the tree frogs are poisonous. Those we don't have but do get lots of toads. We have been watching the dogs closely when they are outside. Hope they don't get hold of another one!
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