this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!
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I don't necessarily think it's true - California is one of the MOST difficult states in the Union to own and/or harbor an "exotic" pet in. And if it is true, eventually some kind-hearted soul will report it (especially if it's kept outdoors) - I would in a heartbeat A chimp isn't a "pet", it's a wild animal, which belongs in it's natural habitat, or if not there, then in a zoo where it can be cared for properly, something your average person is not equipped to do.
srnity: I don't necessarily think it's true - California is one of the MOST difficult states in the Union to own and/or harbor an "exotic" pet in......I agree with that..and I also agree with Tigger...everyone back to their own corners,please
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