Hello all. I would like to express my disappointment in the new games "small pente" and "small Keryo pente." I am going to try not to make too big of an issue out of this, because previous discussion on the matter was not very productive.
I will address some points:
1) I saw someone post that "the small pente variants should be fun." The person did not elaborate, and I cannot figure out HOW exactly the games will be more fun than the existing versions.
For starters-- Some of you might be confusing pente with Reversi or Go, two games in which the play origniates from the center and radiates ourtward, until it reaches the edges of the board, almsot filling the board.
Pente DOES NOT DO THIS. Pente does not come anywhere NEAR filling the board, so I don't see any reason for a different sized board!
In reversi and GO, the different sized board makes for a shorter or longer game. THIS IS JUST NOT THE CASE in pente. So again, why the different sized board? I don't see any reason.
No, the only real difference between "small" pente and pente is the lack of the opening restriction in the "small" variants. I believe this to be detrimental to the game of pente. There is little reason for ANYONE to become effective at playing pente WITHOUT the opening restriction! NONE!
Some of you may be thinking that "small" pente will be good for beginners because it is simpler and easier to understand without the restriction.
To this I say:
1) The opening restriction in pente is NOT difficult to understand, and
2) "small" pente, without the restriction, IN NO WAY PREPARES PLAYERS to play real pente WITH the restriction. Players who play "small" pente without the restriction WILL GET THRASHED when they start playing real pente; thus, playing "small" pente will actually retard the growth of a pente player. To further this point: In May, a real time tournament will be held in Oklahoma City. Myself and several other top players will be there, and there will be cash prizes. The games will, of course, be played with the restriction. If someone who showed up to play had become familiar with the "small" pente variant, he would be in bad shape, because he would essentially be accustomed to playing with rules that allow illegal moves. This would be akin to allowing pawns to advance 1 or 2 spaces in chess at ANY point in the game. That is just wrong, and allowing a player to learn the game under that incorrect rule would inhibit that player's growth as a chess player. Playing pente without the restriction is equally wrong.
In summary, I would jsut like to make it crystal clear that I am thrilled with Brain King and what Filip has done in such a short time. I am here at this site to stay, and I am pleased with how receptive Filip is to new ideas.
But, with all due respect, I must say I think the creation of these new pente variants is a serious error. Just because a variant CAN be created doesn't mean it SHOULD be created. We should strive to avoid the reckless creation of variants that add little or nothing to a game while possible or likely detracting from the game.
Dmitri King, I feel compelled to reply to your posting in view of the fact that you have quoted part of my previous posting (on the brainking.com board) where I stated that the smaller pente and small keyro pente should be fun.
You referred to me as "someone" and "the person".
You typed "The person did not elaborate, and I cannot figure out HOW exactly the games will be more fun than the existing versions." I have to stress that I did NOT say that the smaller versions would be MORE fun than existing versions, simply that the new versions should be fun. It was not a comparison! Neither is there anything to elaborate on here. Fun is straight forward.
Fencer is working very hard on this amazing site. Unlike you, I don't consider games that I personally don't happen to enjoy to be a disappointment, as I am fully aware that other people may enjoy those games. That's what this site is about. It's about doing what we enjoy doing, playing games.
Please don't assume that everyone on this site is here to play serious games with similar ambition to yourself. I would imagine the majority here are actually here to play casual games and are here for the enjoyment and fun, without the dedication or commitment that you yourself show to one game in particular.
Whilst I respect the fact that you take your games very seriously, I would in turn ask you to respect the fact that many of us are here for fun only, and are not as dedicated or ambitious as yourself.
Once again, I wish to thank Fencer for creating this site and for all the time and effort his puts in.
Blaze, I was in no way disrespectful to anyone. As for my quoting you-- I apologize for referring to you as "someone" I did not mean any disrespect, I just could not remember who said it or on which board I read it. I did not mean to say that you claimed the game would be more fun, because you are right, you did not say that. So, for that I apologize. You did, however, say that it sounds like fun, and what I SHOULD have said was that you did not elaborate. You say elaboration is not required? I disagree. I could say that pente on a 20 X 20 board would be fun, but that isn't saying anything, because I am not in any way elaborating on why the game would be any different from the original. You conveniently ignored EVERY valid point in my post, and instead you directed various personal attacks against me in a harsh and unpleasant tone. Now I will do soemthing you did NOT do. I will actually respond to your individual points, even though you ignored all of mine.
You say, "Unlike you, I don't consider games that I personally don't happen to enjoy to be a disappointment, as I am fully aware that other people may enjoy those games. That's what this site is about. It's about doing what we enjoy doing, playing games. "
Blaze, did you READ my post? Where did I say "I do not enjoy the smaller games, so therefore they are a mistake"???? NOWHERE!, because that is not what I said! I clearly explained why the variants add nothing; but rather, detract from the game! But instead of examining my points, and maybe even considering them, you outright rejected them by attacking my "serious" approach to board games! That is a terrible debating tactic. You continue by stating that the majority are not dedicated or committed to the game like I am.
Well, there I agree with you-- BUT WHY do you say that as if it INVALIDATES my argument? If anything, it strengthens my argument! As it is, people who know little abouth the game are arguing despite not really knowing what they are talking about!
So, forgive me for speaking from a position of knowledge and experience!
Then you say "Whilst I respect the fact that you take your games very seriously, I would in turn ask you to respect the fact that many of us are here for fun only, and are not as dedicated or ambitious as yourself. "
Blaze, again you are making a blanket statement that had nothing to with the specifics of my post! I raised valid points and this is the best you can do to respond, is to WRONGLY state that I am not RESPECTING people? I AGAIN ask you how I am not respecting people????
The fact is, Pente is a game I like very much. The new versions are detrimental to the game. You imply that the majority of pente players would disagree with me. I can tell you FLAT OUT that you are WRONG on that one. I have spoken with almost EVERY regular pente player about this matter before Brain King existed, and I can assure you that the MAJORITY of them agree with me 100%.
I ask that you actually examine whatI wrote in my post, because there are some legitimate points there-- you didn't say anything about my contrasting the game with GO and Reversi, or about the illegal moves. I don't understand how allowing illegal moves actually constitutes a viable variant of a game.
Now, Blaze, I really wish you would not accuse me of disrespecting people, because that is just a false claim. I am all in favor of FUN and interesting pente variants, but the new ones do not qualify as either by any reasonable criteria.
By the way--- I do NOT enjoy battleboats, it is probably my least favorite game. But, do you see me posting about my opposition to battleboats? NO! so your implication that I am railing against the new pente variants solely because I do not enjoy them is just wrong.
Please re-examine my post and consider what I wrote, I think you will find it has merit. If you are still not convinced, I wwould like you to RESPECT my right to have an opinion on the matter, as well as my right to express that opinion with RATIONAL reasons to support it. And I wish you would reconsider before calling someone disrespectful when in fact there was no such disrespect shown.
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