General talk about movies, TV, radio, and other entertainment discussion.
Discussing favorite movies is a great topic but keep in mind some folks haven't seen the movie yet we may be discussing so don't give the endings away!
Does anyone know the name of following sci-fi movie. A space ship lands in woods near a small town containing a crawling sack that looks like a worm. This thing kills its victims by swallowing them whole; where they are destroyed by a strong acid that analizes them and the data is broadcast back to its home planet. Its victims include a woman hanging up clothes while a small child is in a crib a few feet away, a teen trying to restart his stalled car, some young people at a dance, and prehaps a few more including possibly a dog at about the same tme as the woman hanging up clothes. The thing is destroyed by soldiers with a hand grenade; and it is discovered to be somekind of a probe from another planet. The movie was probably made by Twentieth Century Fox and made in mid to late 1940s or in early to mid 1950s; and appears to take place in Rockie Mountians. Sorry; but I can not remember any of the actors and actresses. I would really appreciate if someone could supply me with the name of this movie.
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