I just went out and watered our garden,picked 3 nice size zucchini and gonna have some with breakfast.Were in such a heat wave it's already in the 80's and it's early.
Foxy Lady: Tomatoes take so long here to grow large enough to pick (in Eastern Canada) I start mine indoors in March and still have to wait until the end of August to get nice big ones.. sigh lol
Rose: Our Summers here are very short.I hit the Farmers Market while i wait for mine to ripen.Right now were in a bad heat wave and my lettuce is all wilted.I buy my plants already started,i tried starting them in the house.Didn't work the dog got to them.
We don't really have a in ground garden but we planted a bunch of tomato plants in big pots and put them on the deck. They are all growing well and we'll have tons of em! I love fresh tomatoes :)
We also have a Cherry tree and this year we got a bunch of cherries. I need to learn how to purne it though.
Now because I've read all your posts over our winter I'm glad to say the first daffodills are out at our place and spring will be just around the corner.... I can't wait.. LOL
can anybody identify this flower for me...we found cuttings at the local dump and I have never seen it before....Looks as though it could belong to the ginger family.
view the pics here and they will take a while to load
Foxy Lady: Yep, mine's full of winter vegies at the moment, Brussel sporuts and silver beet etc, can't wait to get tomatoes/cucumbers started in the glass house for spring.
I have tomatoes...both Grosse Lisse and Cherry...have Cues, Capsicum, Zucchini,10mil silver beet plants LOL...beans..both Green and Butter, potatoes, and am putting in sweet potatoes over the next week. My soil is a very sandy loam and anything will grow....we have just taken 1/2 of my 1/4 acre and are turning it into a tropical rainforesty type thing....I have before pics, and will also get pics when it gets a bit more established....we have already planted about 200 plants (including moses edging and mondo grass)...have about 50-60 more cuttings to plant when they establish a bit more....but will give pics when i am able to.
Foxy sorry about the down load timing of the pics but didnt have time to doctor them as geo cities is a bugger of a sight to upload anything to these days....not like the olde worlde days LOLOL
My grandfather owned an apple orchard in Missouri and we spent summers there waiting for the apples to ripen. They were great right off of the tree. He also had an apple press for making cider. I can still smell the workroom where the laborers sifted through the apples to ship out or keep for making cider.
ajtgirl: Ahhhhhhh fresh sweet cider,i love it.We have an apple orchard here thats called Twin Orchards and they have every kind of aple you can think of.They also make fresh cider.
Ponds are so peaceful with the trickle of the water going in the background. I'm sure you will love it. Invite Mousetrap over sometime and he can use it as a swimming pool!
I have a black walnut tree in my yard that is mature enough to have the nuts. Several people have said oh just leave them for the squirrles they are messy to work with and get brown stain everywhere when you try and crack them. My Question is "Doese anyone here have personal experience with them? And is it just as they say not worth the effort?
amandalove:Juglens nigra is mainly grown for timber, but nuts are edible, most people grow the european walnut for the nuts. They are worth the effort, as a mature tree will produce quite a few kilograms of nuts. Once the fiberous skin rots off they need to be air dried for a few weeks. Then cracked ready to eat & there shouldn't be any staining if they are dried properly
amandalove: I agree with what skipinnz said about drying them. My Dad would spread them on a screen for air circulation until the outer skin dried. Then they can be handled and cracked. They really are quite good!
Looks like Fall is on it's way were dropping down into the 40's now.We got our garlic drying and most of the garden picked except some tomatoes.I did get lots of beet greens and little beets .Guess we need to work that area better since the soil is clay.
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