The mandatory capture if a Knight Canters into a Jumping position has been in the rules since 1930. I think the idea was (and is) that if a Knight Canters next to an enemy piece that can be jumped, it has reached, in effect, the same position as one where there is an available Jump at the start of a turn, that is, a situation where a capture is mandatory.
I think that it's a good rule, and seems to me to be consistent with the overall conceptual structure of the game.
As a practical matter, it's rare for a player to Canter a Knight into position to Jump, and then be better off if he weren't forced to Jump. But it is obviously possible.
(esconder) Se está interessado no progresso de um torneio em que participa, pode discuti-lo com os seus adversários no fórum desse torneio. (HelenaTanein) (mostrar todas as dicas)