I like the sound that has been added, and would be nice if it could be more customized someway.
For example - I could care less about the sound of the card / bet / raise / shuffle - but like the warning when there is 10 seconds left to bet. (Something I might be able to do with my customized CSS - but I don't have the time to figure out how to do that...)
I would love to be able to turn off the first 4, and just keep the warning one.
... and actually, if there was a way to add a new sound - a sound when it is your turn to do anything. (That way on a 60 second board, i don't hold up everyone 50 seconds before the warning reminds me that I need to do something - if there was a beep at the start IN ADDITION to the warning, I would LOVE that.)
coan.net: I've found that the lack of noise when it is your turn makes me make sure to take a glance, and the beep (warning) is loud enough that I have turned the sound down so the cards and chips aren't intrusive
coan.net: Not had chance to play yet with sound (been a bit of a busy weekend so far lol) and less time to go through all the 45 posts . If you get time let us know about the time countdown through css as thats what i think would be great. Could it be done through greasemonkey? If so i would imagine there would be lots greasemonkey could do (add advanced buttons for check, call, raise etc...)
(esconder) Alguns torneios atribuem um prémio, como uma inscrição paga ou uma certa quantidade de Brains ao vencedor do torneio. (JackAwesome) (mostrar todas as dicas)