No. It was sent to me so as not to bother Fencer with them. They could just have easily sent it to any other customer service rep. Thats what we're here for, to report things to that you're not happy with. They're not being protected or defended, they did not plaster it all over any board here, it didn't appear anywhere but in my mail box. I took the decision to report it to Fencer because I was disgusted with the content and it was too much for me to deal with. They were not 'snitching', I was the one to do that. They just expressed a concern about the content. I was the one to take it further.
As customer service, do you have unlimited access to read all of the fellowship posts?
Had someone been concerned, they could have asked Fencer to take a look, this would not have broken the rules, sending it to you, did break the rules, whether you like it or not. Rules are rules. ither enforce them all, or lose credability.